Week 14 – – (5/9/14)


This was the last week of our internship. During my shadow hours in the Main Library SINC Site, the pharos system went down again. We were first notified when a user was not able to print properly on the express line. We were given an error we have never seen before a popup ldp error. As we were trying to address the issue, we did not realize no one had notified Rose until she walked out herself. We all made assumptions and thought she was already notified. After asking on SB Connect, we found out this was a system wide issue, since it was occurring in other SINC Sites as well. Mickey was then notified and was able to resolve this issue quickly. From this incident, I learned that it is very important to not make assumptions. When assumptions are made, things never get communicated across properly.

During my shadow hours in the NRR CoLA, I have encountered an uncooperative user for the first time. I asked another consultant to check the floor for food and drinks and one the booths were very uncooperative and shouted disrespectful terms at her. We tried addressing the issue and the user was able to calm down, so the problem was resolved.

For our last day of class, there were two more group presentations left. Everyone did very well and we were able to retake our intern picture! The senior consultant dinner will be this evening, so the interns will be taking over their shifts. I am very nervous but at the same time excited.

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