What dreams do you have?
What things are stopping you from achieving your dreams?
Pop Up Challenge: Beach It! on March 12th
Beach It was designed with Spring Break in mind! The Pop Up Challenge was quick to complete and required participants to complete only 3 things, first Jump in the Sand (standing broad jump for distance), Beach Ball Toss (medicine ball chest press for distance) and Hang Out ( frontal arm hang for time).
Michael, who achieved the top score for males, completing the Jump In Sand, with a distance of 9 feet 2 inches.
This challenge definitely brought out the competitive side of participants because we had 25 people participate, making this our most popular Pop Up Challenge to date! We had 12 females and 13 males accept the challenge, but taking home the top prize was Melissa McLeod and Michael Digregorio!
Look out for the next Pop Up Challenge on Wednesday, March 26th at 4:00-4:45pm!
Here are some more photos from the challenge!
Spring break is almost here! Midterms are coming to an end and you are ready for a much needed break. Whether you are taking the time to go home and visit family or are breaking out your swim suite and heading to the beach, this is a great time to relax, while still staying on track with your fitness goals! Here are some tips and tricks to stay healthy and relaxed during spring break!
Midterms can be a very stressful time and you can often get down on yourself. Take this break to reflect on all the things that you have already accomplished this semester and how great it felt to meet some of your goals, ace that test or win that game. This will help you focus on all positive aspects of the semester and will get you motivated to finish as strong as you started.
Get Some Zzz
Most of you reading this will probably agree that you do not get a consistent 8 hours of sleep every night. Long nights in the library studying for exams, stressing about an upcoming project or drinking too much caffeine during the day will affect your sleeping pattern. Take the next week to catch up on sleep and let your body rest. Getting a good night sleep will help combat stress and will help you feel re-energized.
This is a great time to catch up and hang out with friends, why not get your workout in together? Ask a friend to take a jog on the beach, or have them join you in your favorite group fitness classes. You will be able to enjoy the time with your friend, while keeping each other engaged and motivated.
Laugh Out Loud
Laughter has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, which is your body’s stress hormone, while increasing endorphins, which boost your mood! So tune into your favorite comedy, read the comics or seek out someone who makes you smile and laugh often.
Music has been known to not only boost your mood, but it will also improve your workouts! Research shows that listening to soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety. It has also been shown that people who workout to music exercise with more intensity and are more likely to not quit half way through.
So take some time for yourself during break and have some fun! Please share and comment below with any helpful tips and tricks to stay fit and well during break!
It is easy to get discouraged when you aren’t accomplishing your goals as quickly as you would like, but you need to remember that no matter how slow or how many obstacle you might face, you are always getting closer to your goal!
What obstacle have you faced recently and how did you overcome it?
How did it make you feel?
Pop Up Challenge: Ball So Hard on February 26th
Ball So Hard was designed by our fitness instructor, Estelle, and she wanted to challenge everyone to different exercises using a medicine ball. This week challenged participants to finish the exercises as fast as possible, all while holding a medicine ball. The challenge involved two different weighted medicine balls, a 30lb for males and a 15lb for females.
Each participant had to complete 20 jump lunges, 10 wall balls (throwing the medicine ball again the wall at a specific location), 5 burpees and 2 sprints trough the speed ladder, for time and all while holding the medicine ball. Easier said than done!
We had 13 participants accept the challenge this week and they all finished within 1 minute!
All the participants did a great job and some photos below highlight the specific exercises in the challenge. Also, don’t forgot to come out and participate at our next Pop Up Challenge on Wednesday, March 12th at 6:00-6:45pm.