Early Modern Textuality and Journalism in Spain and South America (1650-1750)

Digital Humanities and Networks: Early Modern Textuality and Journalism in Spain and South America (1650-1750)

On March 14th and 15th 2019 at STONY BROOK UNIV, the Dep of Hispanic Languages and Literature hosted a seminar and humanities lab on early modern news-sheets, pamphlets, relaciones de sucesos and their networks in Europe and South America, between 1650 and 1750. The event was funded by a FAHSS Award from Stony Brook College of Arts and Sciences and forms part of Prof. Paul Firbas’s larger project on the edition, data visualization and study of the Diarios y memorias de los sucesos principales y noticias más sobresalientes en esta ciudad de Lima, corte del Perú published by printer Joseph de Contreras y Alvarado in Lima between 1700 and 1711.

Participants: Prof. Paul Firbas (Stony Brook), Carmen Espejo Cala (Univ de Sevilla), José Antonio Rodríguez Garrido (Univ Católica del Perú); via Skype: Prof. Nieves Pena Sueiro (Univ da Coruña) and Prof. Francisco Baena Sánchez (Univ de Sevilla).

See full program here.

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