Monthly Archives: October 2022

Spanish Open House F22

The Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature will be holding an in-person informative session this Wed Oct 26th from 1.00 pm to 1.45 pm in the Humanities Building faculty lounge, room 2029, located on the second floor. All interested students are welcome to attend and explore our courses, academic programs and cultural events.

The Open House will present an overview of our Major, Double Major, Minor, Honors Program, as well as our spring 23 course offerings, Teaching Program and the path to the BA/MAT. Explore our website for more information.

Students that came to Stony Brook with prior knowledge of Spanish (but no standardized tests, such as AP) should take the Foreign Language Placement Exam (FLPE) or a Challenge Exam. In either case, start by contacting the Language Learning Resource Center (LLRC). For more information on challenge exams (offered for SPN 112, SPN211, SPN212 and SPN311) see here or contact the Spanish director of undergraduate studies, Prof. Paul Firbas (Fall 22) or Prof. Joseph Pierce (Spring 23).

The Spanish Major (BA in Spanish) give students a solid education in the languages, literatures, cinema, arts and cultures of Latin America, Spain and the Latinx communities of the United States. The Major requires twelve Spanish courses in the 300/400 level. If the student decides to combine two majors (Double Major), the requirement of courses drops to ten. Many students do Double Majors in Spanish and Biology, for example, but combinations with English, History, Psychology or other languages are also popular.

The Spanish Minor is one of the largest and more popular Minors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Our Minor program is very flexible and requires six Spanish courses in the 300/400 level.  Any student can easily change from a Minor to a Double Major. It only requires four more courses in Spanish.

Tip: Don’t forget to consult both directors of undergraduate studies to be sure that you can fulfill all requirements for your Double Major in time for graduation.

Students that are interested in research and are considering an academic career and applying to graduate or professional schools (such as Medicine or Law), can explore our Honors Program, which is similar to our Major but requires a senior thesis.

Many of our Spanish Majors (BA in Spanish) opt for the Secondary Teaching Preparation Program (Teaching Certificate) or decide to pursue a 5-year combined BA with a Master of Arts in Teaching (BA/MAT). For all questions related to pedagogy courses and field experience, please see here or contact Prof. Sarah Jourdain.

If you have any questions about your Spanish courses or our Programs, email Prof. Paul Firbas (Fall 22) or Prof. Joseph Pierce (Spring 23).

¡Nos vemos el día 26!

See our Open House Poster in PDF.