Category: Uncategorized (page 6 of 6)

Professional Advising (10/18)

Hello everyone!

Advanced registration for Winter/Spring 2018 opens on October 30. This Wednesday (10/18), Neuroscience Axis is going to help you choose classes for your next semester. Using our experience, we will provide our guidance on how to use different University programs and online engines to make your search easier. We will also share our knowledge about any courses you might be interested in taking and make suggestions for your schedule.

See you all on Wednesday at 7pm in Life Sciences Seminar Room 038!



The NeSA

Research Seminar

October 11th, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

SAC Ballroom A

The Neuroscience Axis will be hosting a research seminar to give students an introduction to research opportunities, advice on how to get into research, give students the opportunity to get advice from those currently in research, and connect with professors. The event will be split up into 3 presentations.


7:00 – 7:50 PM: Urszula Zalewski: How to contact professors

8:00 – 8:50 PM: Dr. J. Peter Gergen: How to find your research interests

9:00 – 10:00 PM: Student Panel of graduate and undergraduate researchers speaking about the different careers and opportunities in research.

Hope to see you all at the Seminar!


The NeSA

Neuroscience of Mental Health (GBM)

Hey everyone!

Here is a short update on this week’s GBM.

This Wednesday (10/4), Neuroscience Axis is going to be collaborating with Active Minds to discuss the biological and neuroscientific basis of specific mental health issues. Since many people are taking their midterms this week, we will also have de-stress activities such as painting and clay-modeling and simulations of mental health disorders such as schizophrenia.

As always, GBMs are held in Life Sciences, Seminar Room 038 at 7pm on Wednesdays.

Good luck on your midterms!



The NeSA





This week’s GBM (Neuro and Computer science)

This Wednesday (9/27), Neuroscience Axis is going to be exploring the field of computational neuroscience, a study of brain function in terms of its information processing properties. We will be discussing how neuroscience can be studied using computational models, and demonstrate classic experiments using the computer software “Neurons in Action”.

Research Workshop will also be taking place this week on Thursday (9/28) in SAC 312. Come to discuss the articles recently published in neuroscience and learn how this knowledge can be applied to approach professors and to gain research experience.

As always, GBMs are held in Life Sciences, Seminar Room 038 at 7pm on Wednesdays.



The NeSA


Quick update

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Neuroscience Axis!

As you might have noticed, the NeSA website seems to only have posts and pictures from the previous semesters. However, we are currently updating the website and all the information about the GBMs, seminars, and other upcoming events will be posted here soon!
In a mean time, feel free to check out our calendar under the “Upcoming Events” menu, which always shows the most up to date information you would need.

Our next GBM will be taking place on Wednesday 7pm-8pm, September 20th. We are collaborating with the Pre-Physical Therapy club (Pre-PT) and Pre-Occupational Therapy society (Pre-OT) to discuss the connection between neuroscience and physiotherapy. We will touch on the role of neurons in muscle cells and talk about the signal transduction in the body. In addition, Pre-PT and Pre-OT clubs will demonstrate various therapeutic exercises often used in practice by the experts in PT and OT.


The NeSA

Sheep Brain Dissection Night

Undergrad pages banner_sheep brains NSABD2 NSABD3 NSABD1 NSABD4

Paint and Sip Event, Fall 2015

Square 1_Golgi Paint sip4 12241643_10153079916871809_3977220631281745127_n IMG_20151117_201523402_HDR IMG_20151117_203830027 IMG_20151117_201715415_HDR

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