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Writing & Research

Research is a key element of progression and advancement across many disciplines. Whether it is for scientific or business purposes, the integration of research into a particular field can not only provide opportunities for moving forward, but as well as insight regarding the development of previously unfamiliar ideas. An important aspect of starting and conducting research is the creation of a research proposal. Tailored specifically to the subject matter at hand, research proposals are not only practical in conveying the framework of an idea, but they are also structured and formatted in a way that seeks to challenge the idea and reimagine it’s potential impact. Even beyond proposals and in research papers at large, there is a significant expectation for ideas to be conveyed effectively and in an informative fashion at all times. 

When assembling a research proposal, there are a number of highly important things to consider. Depending on the field in which the research is being done there will be a handful of criterion to consider in planning a proposal. In just about every case, one of the first things a research plan is centered around is the formulation of a hypothesis. Contrary to popular belief, there are a number of ways in which a hypothesis can seek to answer a question, which is ultimately tied into the type of research being conducted. A hypothesis can be either directional or non-directional, which can seek favor for one effect over another or purely the presence of any effect.

Key to choosing the way in which a hypothesis is phrased is the kind of research being conducted. In the case of experimental design, used prevalently in sciences such as biology and psychology, there is an extensive the amount of planning that goes into formulating a research question. Often times, ethics plays a strong role in setting up boundaries for what you can and cannot do in an experiment, as well as how you must go about the handling of human subjects while creating the most safe and valid design possible. It may take a while to find the proper methods and statistical analysis tools required to produce significant results for the research you wish to conduct, however the time spent ensuring that you’ve created a stable and accurate design will ultimately prevent trouble in the long run.

Within each field specifically, there is a very particular format for the way in which not only research is conducted, but also in the way that it is written about. It is important to stay true to the language of the research you’ve conducted, while also keeping in mind who your audience is when writing research reports. For the most part it is best to use primarily palatable language, while as often as possible keeping paragraphs and sentences shorter rather than longer. By far the most important aspect of writing in research, which is applicable across any field, is the ability to be concise. If what you have written is able to convey as much clear-cut information in as few words as possible, readers will be much more easily engaged and interested in what it is your research has to say.