by Kimberly Lato | Jul 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Thorne Lab celebrates the dissertation defense of Dr. Julia Stepanuk! Julia completed her Master’s of Science in Thorne Lab in 2017 and continued on in the Thorne Lab as a PhD student in the Ecology and Evolution department. Julia’s dissertation uses drone imagery...
by Kimberly Lato | Feb 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
The 2021-2022 field season is officially underway at Bird Island, South Georgia! By the time of our arrival in mid-December, both black-browed and grey headed albatross were incubating their eggs while the wandering albatross began egg laying a few weeks later. ...
by Kimberly Lato | Aug 31, 2021 | Uncategorized
The Thorne lab welcomes new members Madeleine Foley and Chelsi Napoli! Madeleine is joining us from the University of Oregon, where she obtained a BSc in fisheries and wildlife. Madeleine is driven by her passion for conservation, and will be studying seabird ecology...
by Kimberly Lato | Jul 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
The Thorne lab congratulates Dallas Jordan on successfully defending his MS thesis, “Divergent Post-breeding Spatial Characteristics of Sympatric Albatross Species in the North Pacific”!!! Dallas’ thesis investigates the post-breeding movements of Black-footed and...
by Kimberly Lato | Jun 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Our 2021 field season for gull work has wrapped up! The Thorne Lab has been collecting data on herring gull foraging movements and ecology in relation to urban areas since 2016 and great black-backed gulls since 2019. This season we continued to study gulls at Young’s...