14 Jan PM – Time Flies When you’re Underwater!

As I write this, our first week is sadly coming to an end. I am amazed at how much I have learned in such a small period of time, although it was a very overwhelming amount of information. Over the past three days we have spent most of our waking moments snorkeling to collect different organisms for our wet lab collections and have attempted to identify over eighty different species present in the Discovery Bay coral reef. Identifying an organism takes some patience and a good eye! It is so interesting to see how one detail or description can separate two species from one another. It has been a fascinating learning experience to see and touch a variety of species that can be found in just a few feet underwater and even just a few inches from the dock. To be able to swim with this fish is such an exhilarating experience. I have seen a Blue Tang (Dory), but I won’t be able to find Nemo, as clownfish are not found here (sad face). But seeing a sea turtle will hopefully make up for that!

I can’t believe it has almost been a week since we arrived at Discovery Bay Marine Lab. Oh how the time flies. The fun continues as we are beginning our research projects, which I am super excited about. I can’t give too much away at this very moment, but stay tuned! Until next time….

Abby_Blue Tang

A Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus)


Me attempting to catch a fish!

Abby_Snorkel Woman

Waving Hello on our collection snorkel.  



5 thoughts on “14 Jan PM – Time Flies When you’re Underwater!

  1. I’m happy your first week has gone so well! This experience looks very nice! I hope you get to see your sea turtle!

  2. It took Nemo’s dad a long time to find him, too. Don’t worry. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Did you catch that fish you were trying to get in that last picture?! Hope you’re having a good time!

  3. The photos look amazing! The Blue Tang fish look marvelous… but would have liked to see a photo of a shark haha

  4. It’s amazing to experience memories of our childhood come to life with you seeing Dorie. That is really cool. Let us know of any other exotic fishes you see!

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