Working on the line transect projects together and helping each other remember the scientific names of all of the flora and fauna
It’s day 11 of our trip to Jamaica and it feels like it all went by so fast! I had a lot of fun snorkeling, going on boat trips to drop off BRUVS, but now it’s time to really hunker down and study. We have 2 days including today before we have to take our final exam. Everyone is busy working on their line transect analysis projects and studying for today’s quiz on the latest lecture. The stress level is slightly higher than before since due dates for projects and exams are slowly inching closer and closer, but we all make sure to take well deserved study breaks every now and then to relax by playing cards, snorkeling, diving, or just sitting outside to talk and watching the stars together. So everything here in Jamaica is going well and we are keeping our sanity by balancing the time to study and relax together.
Hmmm… there’s not much to update you guys on since I know my other classmates have already talked about doing the actual line transects, going to the Green Grotto Caves, and eating at Ultimate Jerk Centre. Oh there is one thing that I’d like to mention even though it happened two days ago, Scarlet let me drive the boat to Rio Bueno, which I thought was pretty cool! Of course we didn’t go as fast as he usually drives the boat and he did take over when we got closer to the fishing lines, but I thought it was pretty fun. Also I’m sorry Auntie Tillie, but my Gators hat now belongs to my “imaginary” sea turtle since it flew off my head while I looked up at a frigate bird on the boat ride back to the lab. So my sea turtle friend is now representing the Gators for you all the way here in Jamaica.

Just a note for all of the worried parents out there, mine included, we took these pictures while we weren’t really moving at a port that we stopped at since we had to wait for the other boats. Also once again Scarlet is the best boat driver ever!!!! He’s awesome and driving the boat was pretty fun!
Okie dokie well it’s time for me to start my second line transect project so I have to go. It was nice updating you guys with these blogs, but this is my last one so enjoy the other blogs from my fellow classmates and we’ll see everyone back home on Friday! Well hopefully if our flight isn’t delayed or cancelled by the big snow storm. Ugh that would be the worst! Stay warm in New York guys!
- Justina