Hello From Jamaica!

Equipment used by researchers (from Stony Brook and U. West Indies) studying groundwater at the lab.
The weather is beautiful, but it’s still too windy to get into the water. We’re hoping the wind dies down soon so we can spend as much time as possible collecting reef specimens. We have already started identifying various reef creatures, studying their common and scientific names. So far we have identified 52 organisms ranging from sponges to fish. The lectures so far have been greatly diverse; we’ve studied countless marine invertebrates with Prof. Peterson and a broad spectrum of reef algae with Prof. Warren. Just to clarify not all Algae are plants! They are protists, a common misconception.
Today Prof. Peterson may dive to collect reef samples for us to examine. It is going to be interesting seeing the specimens we have already been studying, but this time in real life.
It has been amazing to hear (TA) Amber and (TA) Colin talk about their research. It’s always interesting to discuss someone’s research with them. This gives one insight into a topic that you would never find anywhere else. It’s also amazing to see how different people view the world around them and what captures their attention.
Most of us have been doing our studying and work outside. It is amazing what one can accomplish sitting on their back stoop writing as the waves roll by! The atmosphere is so relaxing, but yet at the same time very productive.
Alex H.
WOW! this article it really great i like it
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