13 Jan 2019 – A Day Off!

Our time here in Jamaica has been fun, but intense. We’ve been having about two lectures a day, in out of the water, and there’s a lot to study. We’re also working on identification projects; compiling our photos of reef creatures and algae and learning their scientific names (Abudefdef saxatillus might be my favorite fish). We’re in a beautiful place, but it’s no beach day. Saturday was different, though. The day started with a brief storm and choppy waters (not good for diving or snorkeling) and we were set to head out to Dunn’s river waterfall and Ocho Rios in the afternoon. So, what are us students to do but pass the time with volleyball?

The volley court right outside our dorms.

Not all of us are athletes, but we had fun anyway. I was even given pointers from people who knew what they were doing. We had to constantly retrieve the ball from the hilly mangroves; that became a game itself. I have been studying next to my classmates for a week now, but here I had the opportunity to bond with people outside of my roommates. We played until were sweating and tired, but we didn’t want to stop. We had a nice break yesterday, and I as I type this we are studying by the water, ready for learning research techniques.

– Alyssa

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