16 Jan – News Bulletin

Discussion about the status of felines in Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory ongoing; cats unconcerned.

Endearing or enraging? The debate rages on.

MONTEGO BAY- Controversy over the continued presence of cats in the Discovery Bay Marine Lab has reached new tensions as polarizing opinions echo throughout the campus. Proponents of the immediate removal of cats have vocalized their concerns, with hygiene and their threat to native bird species being the main culprits. One member of the anti-cat delegation, Jason, said that “Hate” is a strong word. I’m allergic to cats, and I strongly dislike them. I have met some cool cats though”. This response was met with vitriol from the other aisle, with Michelle retorting “I like cats”. However, not all students have taken a concrete stance on the issue yet. One student who chose to remain anonymous stated “How do you not know my name by now? We fly back home in 2 days” No cats were available for comment.


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