13 Jan – Transects day

Today was an exhilarating day of scuba diving, as I plunged into underwater world. Armed with my underwater camera (cellphone) and data recording equipment, I marveled at the sea organisms. The day brought a challenge as the ocean currents decided to put up a bit of a fight. Despite the tussle against the strong current, I persevered. I took many videos and pictures for my new Ocean related Instagram. It was a morning filled with breathtaking sights, a touch of adventure, and the satisfaction of recording the wonders hidden beneath the waves.

Later in the day I was studying for the practical exam and suddenly I got a dizzy feeling in my head, so I had to tell my professors about the situation. They took very good care of me, and Dr. Peterson took me to St Ann hospital where I got medicine and fluids. We spent a long 8 hours there but luckily I’m feeling much better now and hope to be back at my 100% so I can keep exploring the ocean.

A very cute “smiling” coral.

Tubular thicket algae on top of encrusting coral.

My scuba buddy Tim, recording transect data.

-Nutter Butter/ Octopus whisperer Natalia.