06 Jan – Mangrove Snorkeling

Yesterday was an exciting day for me. In the morning after breakfast, I went out snorkeling with a couple of friends. The waters were exceptionally calm making for clear views. We decided to visit the section of the reef by the mangroves.

A picturesque view of the calm waters off the dock.

As I snorkeled towards our destination, I excitedly spotted a Long-Spined Sea Urchin with had eluded me during my past snorkeling trips. Reaching the area near the mangroves, a huge diversity of organisms greeted me. The sunlight penetrated the water and made rainbows appear on the seafloor. A few brave fish stayed out in the sunlit waters, but most huddled under the protective shading of the reef. Venturing deeper into the mangrove roots the water became shaded. I could feel a noticeable dip in water temperature. The various crevices in the area were full of organisms. Midway through my trip among the mangrove roots I found a small group of Houndfish.

Some Houndfish (Tylosurus crocodilus) found among the roots of mangroves.

Further in and by squeezing through a small opening I found a small “cave”. There  many species of Damselfish guarding their territory peered back at me. As I was exiting, I saw a Damsel with a bite taken out of its side. The poor fish lost a fight.

­A Red Land Crab (Gecarcinus ruricola) scampering along the mangroves.

I’m excited for what another day snorkeling in Jamacia.
• Mooncake Michelle