A lionfish swimming past a coral mound.
Waking up in Jamaica to the sounds of the ocean was a beautiful thing. The temperature was mild, close to 75 degrees at 6am. Mike and I walked to the water to see the shoreline and it was a great sight. After taking our first snorkeling adventure, I instantly adored it. Though, at first I'll admit I was a bit nervous. Many of us are excited to get out there and continue exploring. On our first trip we explored many different types of marine life, such as Diadema antillarum (Long spine sea urchin) and various types of small fish and algae. On our second trip out toward the reef, we spotted an eel sliding through the coral. The diversity of the lagoon here in Discovery Bay, Jamaica is amazing. I'm eager to continue my excursions.
– Gary
You will stop being nervous soon.
Sounds great. We are freezing here in NY.
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