Week 8 – Behind the Scenes (3/28/14)

As a regular consultant, I don’t normally get to see the other offices in the Main Library, so Nam gave me a tour around the Media Lab, Diana and Chris’s offices, as well as the Faculty Center. It was my first time seeing a poster printer. I also assisted Aram with locating the model number of a monitor for Mickey. One would be surprised why such a simple task would take the two of us, but fact was it did. It was a little ironic how the both of us can operate several complicated software with ease, but struggled trying to find one number on a sticker. I also learned to delegate tasks to others.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this week’s class was the best class thus far. For this week’s class, we were given a tour of Educational Communications Center (ECC) by Behzad. It was fascinating learning about the networks and infrastructure behind everything that is provided on campus, such as the phone wire room, the Wi-Fi-connectivity and the cable room. Behzad was a great tour guide and kept us engaged throughout the whole tour. As a ISE minor, I have some background with this technology, so it was exciting to learn new things. I even got to hold a 40lb battery (Quite the workout)! We also found out about one of the horrors of using Wi-Fi on campus. By using campus Wi-Fi, our devices become trackers that gives away our location. From your location to the duration of time you spent connected to a specific Wi-Fi access point, they are able to locate your exact location.




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