Week 9 – e-Portfolio (4/4/14)

This week for our internship class, a graduate student, Rachel Koeth, came in to speak to us about the basics of ePortfolio. She showed us many professional ePortfolios as a reference and showed us how to use specific features that were available to us. I also found out we can edit and include our own CSS code. I have taken an Introductory Web Design class, so I look forward to playing with the code. After being show the various ePortfolios, you can see the individuality that is expressed through each and every ePortfolio. Before that, we went on a walking tour to ESS Labs, Harriman Graduate Lab and the Harriman SINC Site.

For my mentor hours, I helped Raul experiment with a new Virtual SINC Site platform that runs on WIndows 8. I started to delegate tasks more effectively as an intern. For some reason, this took some getting used to because at the beginning it felt weird commanding other consultants, since I was not in a position of authority. I also learned about ping.stonybrook.edu and resolved several Print From Anywhere issues with the MAC.


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