Free Fitness Classes in the CRC

Healthier U is sponsoring Free Fitness Classes the Campus Recreation Center (CRC)! Register online for these free classes and after the class is over you will walk away with a free pass to come back and try out the CRC at your leisure. Register at

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40 thoughts on “Free Fitness Classes in the CRC

  1. Diane Henry-Vanisko

    Great Body Sculpt class with Ashley – FREE , last night!
    Thanks to all the instructors, and those in CRC and Healthier U who make these classes available for free to ALL faculty and staff ! These classes should be packed! They are fabulous!


      I agree, Diane. These classes have helped my put fitness into my daily routine. The Rec Center instructors and trainers have helped me develop a fitness plan that fits my busy schedule. I’m feeling healthy. Lost 20lbs just by adding fitness fun to my life.

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