All posts by abullock

Inside Stony Brook University’s Innovation Lab, Where 3D Printers Are Creating Medical Devices Of The Future

Medical Daily, a website which covers the latest health news, scientific trends, and medical information, featured the Innovation Lab in an article. They highlighted the  medical devices that are being printed in the lab. Some of these devices include the prosthetic arm printed by lab intern Ellie Evans, over the summer, and Akshay Asok, the Innovation Lab’s technical lead, even printed out ear prosthesis, that amplify hearing.

Asok goes on to discuss the financial benefits for 3D printing medical devices, especially prosthesis. Lab member, Paul Phillipsberg, even discusses the brain wave technology he is working with,. His goal for this technology  is to make a drone fly perfectly with it. Yes, he wants to fly a drone using just his brain. 

3D printing holds many benefits for the future, especially to advance medicine.  Asok even touches on what else can be done with 3D printed prosthesis and brain wave technology.

Read the full article here.

Congratulations Allisha!



The Innovation Lab would like to congratulate one of our own. Allisha Pavez, a Innovation Lab staff member and 3D print guru, was awarded the first ever Intelligent  Product Solutions Scholarship.

Allisha is a Junior studying mechanical engineering and University Scholar. She will be awarded an annual $2,500 scholarship until she graduates.

“By creating this scholarship, we hope to help support the education and careers of promising female engineering students,” said Mitch Maiman, president of Intelligent Product Solutions.  “Allisha is the first recipient of this award, and was selected as part of our commitment to supporting hard working, energetic and bright women in technology.”

To read more about Allisha’s career goal and interests, check out the IPS blog for the full article.

We are very proud.

Wolfie Tank 2015

Wolfie Tank Banner No Wolfie (2)

On Monday, November 2, 2015 the Stony Brook Innovation Lab held the first ever Wolfie Tank. A spin off from the popular show Shark Tank, Wolfie Tank gave seven Stony Brook community members the opportunity to pitch their idea.product to a panel of expert judges.  The goal of the event was to promote an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit on the Stony Brook campus. With collaboration from our partners in College of Business, Division of Information Technology, IREP, VP for Economic Development, Long Island LaunchPad and ListNet, Wolfie Tank was able to provide current and future entrepreneurs with real life pitch experience to help with the next stages of development for  their idea/product.

Wolfie Tank judges
Lab Director David Ecker; Founder of PJT Consulting,LLC and Vice President of LISTnet, Paul Trapani; Senior Executive of Intellectual Product Solutions, Derek Peterson; Global Director of Disruptive Growth Exploration at Anheuser-Busch InBev, James Keane; LONG ISLAND LAUNCH PAD, Andrew Hazen.

The judges (shown above, excluding David Ecker) gave feedback to each presenter and spoke with them one on one during the networking section of Wolfie Tank.

The room was packed with over 140 people in attendance. Students, faculty, and outside companies were all in attendance.

wolfie banner

Intellectual Product Solutions even created a video on Wolfie Tank 2015, showcasing some of the presenters and judge Derek Peterson.


Interested in Wolfie Tank? Make sure to save the data for next year’s Wolfie Tank 2016 on November 7th in Student Activities Center Ballroom B.

For more pictures from Wolfie Tank 2015 and information on other Innovation Lab events, visit us at or like us on Facebook @sbuinnovationlab.

Prosthetic Printing In the Innovation Lab




Ellie Evans – A student intern during the Summer of 2015 printed and assembled a Prosthetic Hand, using the Innovation Lab’s 3D printers.  Ellie had the idea from e-Nable project. E-Nable project is a global network of volunteers using 3D printing to give helping hands to kids that don’t have one.   Ellie is a Political Science major at the University of Rhode Island. However, she became an intern at the SBU Innovation Lab after hearing about the various technologies in the facility that student’s have free access to.


Ellie said that she learned everything from basics of how to use a 3D printer and filament, to the different printers it takes to print finer/bigger objects.  While assembling the pieces she had to figure out how tension worked in a hand, as well as how the pieces fit together.   Ellie adapted the concept of “Tunnel Vision”, when working on long term projects that use 3D printers. Ellie describes “Tunnel Vision” as, when you know a piece is supposed to go together a certain way, but just don’t see why it isn’t work. The project was difficult, but Ellie said that if it wasn’t for her great colleagues in the lab who were always available to lend a hand or to look at the project from a different perspective; this made her job a little easier. IMG_0342


As this being the first prototype of this kind to being developed in the lab the team was excited to see the final project.


This is one of the many projects that are challenging students and staff alike at the SBU Innovation Lab.


Cancer Technology, Innovative and Life Saving

Jorge Soto, a cancer technologist, tells the story of his own family struggles with cancer. He is developing a simple, noninvasive and  open-source test that looks for early signs of cancer. Soto explains that often the determination between life and death with cancer is ‘how early it is caught?’ The test is available on a mobile platform making it not only innovative but,  accessible. At the end of the TED Talk, Soto debuts his working prototype for the first time.

Thank You MakerBridge!

Makerspace Maps


Dale Grover of Maker Works in Ann Arbor says that a makerspace is

We would like to thank MakerBridge for including us in their community by listing the Innovation Lab on their website. We are the only institution in Long Island to be featured! Founded by Sharona Ginsberg, an alumna of University of Michigan School of Information; MakerBridge is a community that welcomes all markers. However, it focuses on showcasing and helping librarians, teachers and other educators.

Check out MakerBridge for information on additional makerspaces, upcoming maker fairs and more. 


MoodGYM, The Future of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

MoodGYM is an online interactive program that provides free mental help support. The website was started in Australia in 2004 as a trial to treat depression patients. Since then, it has crossed international barriers and is now offered in 6 languages. It has more than 800,000 people from 222 countries registered in its database.

MoodGYM focuses on the process of cognitive therapy. It consists of five modules, an interactive game, anxiety and depression assessments, downloadable relaxation audio, a workbook and feedback assessment.

Using flashed diagrams and online exercises, MoodGYM teaches the principles of cognitive behavior therapy – a proven treatment for depression. It also demonstrates the relationship between thoughts and emotions, and works through dealing with stress and relationship break-ups, as well as teaching relaxation and meditation techniques.”  – MoodGYM website

It seeks to change the way the user thinks about themselves, battling both depression and anxiety. However, MoodGYM does not let user self diagnose themselves. A new user is put through a series of quizzes and exercises. Cognitive therapy has proved to work in face-to-face therapy and now it is proven to work through online interactions. Kathy Griffins from the Australia National University said that those who have used MoodGYM have reported to have done better in terms of depression, with a reduction in anxiety and even alcohol use.

MoodGYM and other online therapy/mental health programs like it, is just another way technology is increasingly blending into the medical field. With growing technology, advances in medicine are constantly happening; however, this is especially important in mental health for two reasons. One being that the statistics of those suffering from mental health issues is a vast amount of a majority of people. The other being that most people who have mental health issues do not seek treatment, actually about a third of those do not, whether that be for costs or personal reasons. presentation-wohit-nice-innovative-solutions-in-ehealth-11-638

When MoodGYM first came out it was very controversial. Some thought, it was unethical and harmful. However, it has opened up the door for other programs to offer mental health support. This type of online therapy is innovative, mostly because it is creating convenience. People who are seeking support for mental health issues have less of an excuse to put off getting help. MoodGYM is also innovative because it is an online program that not only treats mental health issues but, a training program. It seeks to prevent mental health issues in youths. This is one of the first programs to build games and exercises that work the brain in a way to prevent any future mental issues. They do this by changing the way the user thinks about themselves and training the brain to recognizing toxic thoughts.

Taken from the MoodGYM website.
Taken from the MoodGYM website.


Read the New York Times Article about MoodGYM here. 

Microsoft Hololens

This tiny new Microsoft device has the power to fill the world around you with 3D holograms. The holograms are supposed to be convincing enough that the consumer would think they were real. Recently, debuted at Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, the Hololens has the power to revolutionize gaming and Virtual Reality. It is sleek and futuristic looking compared to it’s competitors like the Oculus Rift.

However, the device has one major problem, a tiny field of view. Because the field of view is so small, those who have already used the device say that the user is aware of the edges of their virtual world. This makes it impractical for use and still just a prototype. Microsoft was given this feedback and at E3 where Microsoft  executive Kudo Tsunoda said “The hardware isn’t final so none of the things are completely done. I think you’re never going to get to full peripheral field of view, but certainly the hardware we have the field of view isn’t exactly final. But I wouldn’t say it’s going to be hugely noticeably different either.”

This Week In The Lab

This was an exciting week for the Innovation Lab. In the mist of preparing for our debut at Long Island Maker Festival: we were included in a Newsday article, visited the Yale CEID, and got a demo of the new Z Space by Computer Logic.


newsdayThe Innovation Lab was included in Tuesday’s article of Newsday “Long Island Maker Festival: 6 Things to Check Out,” for our 3-D printer build. At the festival we will also be showcasing a green screen demo, Google Cardboard, and Ultra Sound Sonar demonstration. For everything on the Newsday list, read the article below.


The Innovation Lab visited the Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design on. We were excited to see the strides taken by Yale in their own cross discipline lab.  The Yale CEID is engineering focused but, calls for all different interests to get involved. They even have a sewing station, wet lab, wood shop and metal shop. They have a growing partnership with their medical personal, which sometime in the future will begin to hold classes in the CEID as other professors do.


On Thursday, the Innovation Lab was visited by Computer Logic Group, a small Long Island company that specialized in in Cloud Computing, providing business Customized IT Solutions, Data backup and Network Integration. CLG came in to show the lab a demo of their Z Space. The Z Space is a real world virtual reality system that blends the real world with the virtual, creating never-before-seen experiences, naturally integrated into life. The Z Space is being capitalized by the education system. Schools throughout Long Island are implementing the Z Space into their K-12 curriculum. The Innovation Lab employees got to dissect hearts and learn about the anatomy of lions. We’d like to thank CLG for coming in and showing us their innovative product. IMG_4225