Week 6: 03/06/2015 Friday is Monday Part 1/2 of Shadowing


This week’s Friday became a Monday due to snow days and as a result there was no internship class for the week making for a strange experience. However, there was still shadowing hour and much to learn about!

During my shift with Celia and Ming, I learned a lot of important information on Lotus Notes and Sparky Accounts. In terms of Sparky Accounts (Linux), I learned that we can help students setup an account on the computer terminals located in Main Library and the Union SINC site. Sparky is generally used by computer science students and SSH. SSH is available on both Mac and PC with the web link being sparky.ic.sunysb.edu. When dealing with a Sparky accounts and SSH its’s important to remember that we are just setting up the account for the user. TLT consultants are not responsible for helping students with assignments in concern to Sparky. In regards to Lotus Notes, I feel that for senior consultants, especially site managers it’s essential to know how to navigate through the program. When first creating a Lotus Notes account, the password has be exactly 8 characters with at least one number. Once the account is created senior consultants can use Lotus Notes to print out class schedules for their remote SINC sites.

1. Click resource calendar
2. View by room
3. Ctr + P
-print calendar to document
-calendar style: weekly
-week continuing for next week, usually everything done by saturday and print on sunday
-preview as
-upload to Adobe
-go to Blackboard to upload the file

If a teacher ever asks for access into a SINC site, make sure to check the class schedule first before contacting Rose.

Next topic I went over was large paper deliveries for main library. The first thing to do is find a staff member, preferably Chris, Tara, Rose, or Pam. Note that that delivery person cannot go into the server room and the consultant on duty has to count the number of toner/drum/paper and record on the invoice. The only exception to going into the server room is the person that delivers the large water jugs.

My shadowing hours with a TLL member, I usually shadow Jenney but this time she had subbed out her shift to Jen Yi. During the shift with Jen, we did an overview on the email system used by the Help Desk consultants. When receiving and looking at the email system, it’s important to label and place each email accordingly to each category. Those that are for ePortfolio, SOLAR, NetID, Blackboard, etc each get their own category. I went over and reviewed again how to use and transfer phone calls with the upstair phone while looking over important staff and phone numbers.

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