Week 9: 03/27/2015 Friday is Monday Part 2/2 of Shadowing


The week after spring break was another week where the Friday schedule followed a Monday schedule, resulting in no internship class however I still learned a lot from my shadowing hours.

After spring break I switched some of my shadowing hours so that I could get some shadowing down in the TLL office. Previously I had only shadowed Help Desk senior consultants on Wednesday’s from 9pm-11pm. My first change was shadowing for one hour with Adrienne in the TLL office. We went over the general duties of a Help Desk senior consultants and the professional manner that is required when answering phone calls, emails, and live chats. I learned that whenever receiving any of the three listed, make sure to take down information such as name, place, time, solar ID, NetID, and method of contact in order to create a record. While I shadowing, a student called and asked about downloading Windows 8.1 from OntheHub. I tried to help the user to the best of my ability but unfortunately I was unable to directly help them but pointed them towards Client Support to see if they had a solution. Adrienne also reminded me that as senior consultants it’s important to remember that even though we will be working with fellow students, a job is a job and people are expected to follow requirements. My second hour of TLL shadowing was with Jennifer Sang where for the most part I answered in two forms of communication. I had a user come in with a clicker issue where a firmware update was needed for a strange issue. The clicker could register letters but could not register numbers. Unfortunately when I plugged in the clicker it said up to date, so I made a footprint ticket and told the user that Jen Adams or Chris would get back to them as soon as possible. Next,I answered a Velaro chat about a new ID not working with printing. I informed the user that since they had just got the card, the ID was not yet in the system and they would have to wait 24 hours before using it for printing. I advised the student that if need be, they could go to the main library SINC site and the use express line.

My change in site manager shadowing hours started with Sharon and Erika where I essentially took over front desk duties as they watched. I took attendance on SB Connect and delegated tasks to the consultants working at the time. I think that it’s important to be attentive of your surroundings while at the front desk because you should be aware when a user is waiting for help while you are talking to other consultants. I talked with both senior consultants what workshops they taught in order to gauge what I would want to teach in the future. My second site manager shift remained the same as my old schedule before spring break with Celia where we went over general opening and closing procedures in main library. Key points to remember are shutting off the screen, closing the doors, refill printers, empty blue bins, and activating the security alarm.

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