{Spring 2018: Part 2}

May 9

Spring 2018 3 (4) (1/250s f/5.6 ISO 220)

  • So these cherry blossom trees are right next to the magnolias at my school. The contrast between the shadows and the highlights was eye catching. The flowers are such delicate things, I really should revisit them next spring…

Spring 2018 3 (7) (1/160s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 3 (10) (1/400s f/8 ISO 100)

  • I have no idea what these guys are… but they tiny, pretty and cute. And a whole lot of them.

Spring 2018 3 (13) (1/400s f/10 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 3 (22) (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)

  • This is the same tree as two photos up (Spring 2018 3 (10)), and the photo is even better.

Spring 2018 3 (54) (1/250s f/5.6 ISO 200)

Spring 2018 3 (57) (1/250s f/6.3 ISO 200)

Spring 2018 3 (60) (1/250s f/8 ISO 125)

  • I was quite surprised to fins some dogwood trees on campus… and took some pictures

Spring 2018 3 (67) (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 3 (70) (1/320s f/8 ISO 100)

  • This photo was kinda taken on a whim. I had wanted to photo graph the dandelions. This photo has a very distinct autumn vibe, but… it was spring…

Spring 2018 3 (81) (1/250s f/8 ISO 180)

Spring 2018 3 (90) (1/250s f/7.1 ISO 200)

  • Honestly, if you catch plants at the right time, you can be pleasantly surprised. Also look up more. And down. Moss is awesome too.

Spring 2018 3 (104) (1/320s f/10 ISO 200)

  • There is this certain vibe that my campus buildings have… They are older, but that’s not exactly it. Honestly I think the rectangular concrete buildings in contrast with forest and trees create a great juxtaposition.

Spring 2018 3 (110) (1/250s f/10 ISO 220)

{Spring 2018: Part 1}

April 11

Frank Melville Park (12) (1/60s f/8 ISO 320)

  • Moss~ I had never taken a good look at moss, and after this photo, I’m definitely not going to forget them ever again

April 26

Spring 2018 1(4) (1/320s f/10 ISO 200)

  • So while I took these photos in 2018, I have posted this after I posted the spring 2019 photos. And the photo above and directly below are exactly why I think the magnolias turned out better this year. I honestly have no idea how I managed to get the photo below… but I did.

Spring 2018 1(11) (1/250s f/8 ISO 140)

Spring 2018 1(14) (1/250s f/8 ISO 140)

Spring 2018 1(32) (1/100s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 1(36) (1/125s f/5.6 ISO 400)

  • Glory of the Snow~ Yes that’s what the flower is called. Yes that is the banner on the main page. And it’s beautiful.

Spring 2018 1(50) (1/100s f/9 ISO 400)

  • A quick daffodil phase. My school has this giant patch of daffodils. Only daffodils, all different kinds of daffodils. So again, how could I resist?

Spring 2018 1(52) (1/160s f/9 ISO 400)

Spring 2018 1(57) (1/250s f/7.1 ISO 200)

  • I wasn’t so sure about this photo when I fist took it. While I loved the daffodil against the bright blue sky, I was unsure about all the empty space… Looking back, this was a lovely photo, and I like it even more now.

Spring 2018 1(61) (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)

Spring 2018 1(82) (1/60s f/6.3 ISO 400)

May 1

Spring 2018 2(9) (1/100s f/8 ISO 100)

  • Tulips! I took so many photos of these tulips, and this one is my favorite.

Spring 2018 2(15) (1/60s f/8 ISO 220)

Spring 2018 2(23) (1/250s f/8 ISO 100)