

Educational Postcards:

historical_pc_i liecosystem_pc_i lobster_pc_i clam_pc_i scalop_pc_i oyster_pc_i

Fact sheets:

Lobster calcinosis fact sheet
QPX in clams fact sheet

Scientific articles / Book chapters:

146. Grouzdev D, Pales Espinosa E, Tettelbach S, Tanguy A, Boutet I, Tobi H, Allam B. (2025). Survival of the fittest: genomic investigations of the bay scallop reveal a shift in population structure through a summer mortality event. BMC Genomics 26: 146. pdf

145. Pales Espinosa E, Farhat S, Allam B. (2025). In silico identification of neuropeptides encoded by the genome of Crassostrea virginica with a special emphasis on feeding-related genes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 301: 111792. pdf

144. Brianik C, Pales Espinosa E, Liu M, Topping P, Rivara G, Guo X, Proestou D, Allam B. (2025). Triploid eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) display high susceptibility to microbial infections but only during early ontogenetic stages. Aquaculture 595(2): 741613. pdf

143. Grouzdev D, Pales Espinosa E, Tettelbach S, Farhat S, Tanguy A, Boutet I, Guiglielmoni N, Flot J-F, Allam B. (2024). Chromosome-level genome assembly of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians. Scientific Data 11: 1057. pdf

142. Grouzdev D, Farhat S, Guo X, Pales Espinosa E, Reece K, McDowell J, Yang H, Rivara G, Reitsma J, Clemetson A, Tanguy A, Allam B. (2024). Development and validation of a 66K SNP array for the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria). BMC Genomics 25: 847. pdf

141. Lovy J, Iwanowicz L, Welch T, Allam B, Getchell R, Geraci-Yee S, Good C, Snyder J, Raines C, Das N. (2024). Seasonal Mortality of Wild Atlantic Menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) Is Caused by a Virulent Clone of Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum; Implications for Biosecurity along the Atlantic Coastal United States. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2024: 8816604. pdf

140. Czaja R, Pales Espinosa E, Cerrato R, Allam B. (2024). Carryover effects and feeding behavior of Atlantic surfclams in response to climate change. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 573: 152002. pdf

139. Schwaner C, Barbosa M, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2024). Probing the role of carbonic anhydrase in shell repair mechanisms in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica under experimental acidification stress. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 572: 151990. pdf

138. Schwaner C, Barbosa M, Haley J, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2024). Transcriptomics, proteomics, and physiological assays reveal immunosuppression in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica exposed to acidification stress. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 146: 109366. pdf

137. Geraci-Yee S, Collier JL, Allam B. (2024). A microcosm experiment reveals the temperature-sensitive release of Mucochytrium quahogii (=QPX) from hard clams and pallial fluid as a stable QPX reservoir. Microorganisms 12: 241. pdf

136. Schwaner C, Farhat S, Boutet I, Tanguy A, Barbosa M, Grouzdev D, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2023). Combination of RNAseq and RADseq to Identify Physiological and Adaptive Responses to Acidification in the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Marine Biotechnology. In Press.  pdf

135. Czaja R, Beal B, Pepperman K, Pales Espinosa E, Munroe D, Cerrato R, Busch E, Allam B. (2023). Interactive roles of temperature and food availability in predicting habitat suitability for marine invertebrates. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 293: 108515. pdf

134. Brianik C, Bouallegui Y, Allam B. (2023). Triploid animals, a potential model for ETosis research: Influence of polyploidy on the formation and efficacy of extracellular traps in the eastern oyster. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 140: 108992. pdf

133. Czaja R, Pales Espinosa E, Cerrato R, Lwiza K, Allam B. (2023). Using meta-analysis to explore the roles of global upwelling exposure and experimental design in bivalve responses to low pH. Science of The Total Environment, 902: 165900. pdf

132. Brianik CJ, Allam B. (2023). The need for more information on the resistance to biological and environmental stressors in triploid oysters. Aquaculture, 577: 739913. pdf

131. Czaja Jr R, Holmberg R, Pales Espinosa E, Hennen D, Cerrato R, Lwiza K, O’Dwyer J, Beal B, Root K, Zuklie H, Allam, B. (2023). Behavioral and physiological effects of ocean acidification and warming on larvae of a continental shelf bivalve. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 192, 115048. pdf

130. Brianik CJ, Bopp J, Piechocki C, Liang N, O’Reilly S, Cerrato RM, Allam B. (2023). Infection prevalence, intensity, and gill coverage by the parasitic flatworm, Bdelloura candida, in the American horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus). Hydrobiologia 850: 3655-3669. pdf

129. Pales Espinosa E, Bouallegui Y, Grouzdev D, Brianik C, Czaja R, Geraci-Yee S, Kristmundsson A, Muehl M, Schwaner C, Tettelbach ST, Tobi H, Allam B. (2023). An apicomplexan parasite drives the collapse of the bay scallop population in New York. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 6655. pdf

128. Tettelbach ST, Czaja R, Tobi H, Hughes S, Peterson BJ, Heck S, MacGregor J, DeLany F, Scannell B, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2023). Collapse of the New York Bay Scallop Fishery Despite Sustained Larval and Juvenile Recruitment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 714, 45-56. pdf

127. Schwaner C, Barbosa M, Schwemmer T, Pales Espinosa E,  Allam B. (2023). Increased food resources help eastern oyster mitigate the negative impacts of coastal acidification. Invited Research Paper. Animals 13(7): 1161. pdf

126. Schwaner C, Pales Espinosa E,  Allam B. (2023). RNAi silencing of the biomineralization gene Perlucin impairs oyster ability to cope with ocean acidification. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(4), 3661;

125. Czaja R, Hennen R, Cerrato R, Lwiza K, Pales Espinosa E, O’Dwyer J, Allam B. (2023). Using LASSO regularization to project recruitment under CMIP6 climate scenarios in a coastal fishery with spatial oceanographic gradients. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80(6): 1032-1046.

124. Guo X, Puritz J , Wang Z, Proestou D, Allen S, Small J, Verbyla K, Zhao H, Haggard J, Chriss N, Zeng D, Lundgren K, Allam B, et al. (2023). Development and evaluation of high-density SNP arrays for the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Marine Biotechnology 25(1): 174-191.

123. Tomasetti S, Hallinan B, Tettelbach S, Doherty O, Allam B, Gobler C. (2023). Warming and hypoxia reduce performance and survival of northern bay scallops Argopecten irradians irradians amid a fishery collapse. Global Change Biology 29(8): 2092-2107. 10.1111/gcb.16575 pdf

122. Schwaner C, Farhat S, Barbosa M, Boutet I, Tanguy A, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2023). Molecular features associated with resilience to ocean acidification in the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria. Marine Biotechnology 25(1): 83-99. pdf

121. Schwaner C, Farhat S, Haley J, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2022). Proteomic and transcriptomic responses enable clams to correct the pH of calcifying fluids and sustain biomineralization in acidified environments. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, 16066. pdf

120. Geraci-Yee S, Collier JL, Allam B. (2022). Mucochytrium quahogii (=QPX) Is a Commensal, Opportunistic Pathogen of the Hard Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria): Evidence and Implications for QPX Disease Management. Journal of Fungi 8: 1128. pdf

119. Geraci-Yee S, Allam B, Collier JL. (2022). A nested, quantitative PCR assay for detection of the hard clam pathogen, Mucochytrium quahogii (=QPX), in environmental samples. Frontiers in Marine Science: 2215. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.988918. pdf

118. Barbosa M, Schwaner C, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2022). A transcriptomic analysis of phenotypic plasticity in Crassostrea virginica larvae under experimental acidification. Genes 22(13): 1529. pdf

117. Boutet I., Monteiro HJA, Takeuchi T, Baudry L, Bonnivard E, Billoud B, Farhat S, Gonzales-Haraya R, Salaun B, Andersen A, Toullec J-Y, Lallier F, Flot J-F, Guiglielmoni N, Guo X, Cui L, Allam B, Pales Espinosa E, Hemmer-Hansen J, Marbouty M, Koszul R, & Tanguy A. (2022). Chromosomal assembly of the flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) genome as a new genetic ressource for aquaculture. Evolutionary Applications DOI: 10.1111/eva.13462 pdf

116. El-Sayed H, Elshobary M, Barakat K, Khairy H, El-Sheikh M, Czaja R, Allam B, Senousy H. (2022). Ocean acidification induced changes in Ulva fasciata biochemistry may improve Dicentrarchus labrax aquaculture via enhanced antimicrobial activity. Aquaculture 560: 738474.

115. Pales Espinosa E, Eckstein M, Allam B. (2022). Density of compatible ligands on the surface of food particles modulates sorting efficiency in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 9: 882356. pdf

114. Geraci-Yee S, Allam B, Collier J. (2022). Keeping up with advances in qPCR pathogen detection: an example for QPX disease in hard clams. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 148: 127-144. pdf

113. Schwaner C, Farhat S, Haley J, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2022). Transcriptomic, proteomic, and functional assays underline the dual role of extrapallial hemocytes in immunity and biomineralization in the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria. Frontiers in Immunology 13: 838530. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.838530 pdf

112. Farhat S, Bonnivard E, Pales Espinosa E, Tanguy A, Boutet I, Guiglielmoni N, Flot J-F, Allam B. (2022). Comparative analysis of the Mercenaria mercenaria genome provides insights into the diversity of transposable elements and immune molecules in bivalve mollusks. BMC Genomics 23:192. doi: 10.1186/s12864-021-08262-1 pdf

111. Kim S-H, Nam K-W, Allam B, Choi K-S, Park K-H, Park K-I. (2021). Quantification of the Inflammatory Responses to Pro-and Anti-Inflammatory Agents in Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 115: 22-26. pdf

110. Geraci-Yee S, Brianik CJ, Rubin E, Collier JL, Allam B. (2021). Erection of a New Genus and Species for the Pathogen of Hard Clams ‘Quahog Parasite Unknown’(QPX): Mucochytrium quahogii gen. nov., sp. nov. Protist 172(1): 125793. Open access:

109. Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2021). High spatial resolution mapping of the mucosal proteome of the gills of Crassostrea virginica: implication in particle processing. Journal of Experimental Biology 224, jeb233361. doi:10.1242/jeb.233361  pdf

108. Cerullo A, Lai T-Y, Allam B, Baer A, Barnes J, Barrientos Z, Deheyn D, Fudge D, Gould J, Harrington M, Holford M, Hung C-S, Jain G, Mayer G, Medina-Munoz M, Monge J, Napolitano T, Pales Espinosa E, Schmidt S, Thompson E, Braunschweig A. (2020). Comparative animal mucomics: Inspiration for functional materials from ubiquitous and understudied biopolymers. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 6(10): 5377-5398. pdf

107. Farhat S, Tanguy A, Pales Espinosa E, Guo X, Boutet I, Smolowitz R, Murphy D, Rivara G, Allam B. (2020). Identification of variants associated with hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, resistance to Quahog Parasite Unknown disease. Genomics 112(6): 4887-4896. pdf

106. Allam S, Allam B, Pales Espinosa E. (2020). Regulation of mucosal lectins in the oyster Crassostrea virginica in response to food availability and environmental factors. Journal of Molluscan Studies 87(1): eyaa037. pdf

105. Zuykov M, Allam B, Gosselin M, Archambault P, Spiers G, Schindler M. (2020). First report of signs of infection by Coccomyxa-like algae in wild blue mussels, Mytilus spp., in the Gulf of Maine (USA, Maine). Journal of Fish Diseases 43: 775-778. pdf

104. Jones J, Allam B, Pales Espinosa E. (2020). Particle selection in suspension-feeding bivalves: Does one model fit all? Biological Bulletin 238: 41-53. pdf

103. Schwaner C, Barbosa M, Connors P, Park TJ, de Silva D, Griffith A, Gobler CJ, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2020). Experimental acidification increases susceptibility of Mercenaria mercenaria to infection by Vibrio species. Marine Environmental Research 154: 104872 pdf

102. Challener, R., J. B. McClintock, R. Czaja Jr. and C. Pomory. (2019). Rapid Assessment of Post-Hurricane Michael Impacts on a Population of the Sea Urchin Lytechinus variegatus in Seagrass Beds of Eagle Harbor, Port Saint Joseph Bay, Florida. Gulf and Caribbean Research 30 (1): SC11-SC16 pdf

101. Barbosa M, Schwaner C, Schwemmer T, Pales Espinoa E, Allam B. (2019). Effect of food resource availability on the resilience of eastern oyster larvae to ocean acidification. World Aquaculture 5(30) pdf

100. Rosani U, Shapiro M, Venier P, Allam B. (2019). A needle in a haystack: Tracing bivalve-associated viruses in high-throughput transcriptomic Data. Viruses 11, 205; doi:10.3390/v11030205 pdf

99. Fernández-Robledo JA, Yadavalli R, Allam B, Pales-Espinosa E, Gerdol M, Greco S, Stevick RJ, Gómez-Chiarri M, Zhang Y, Heil CA, Tracy AN, Bishop-Bailey D, Metzger MJ. (2019). From the raw bar to the bench: Bivalves as models for human health. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 92: 260-282. pdf

98.  Lau Y-T, Santos B, Barbosa M, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2018). Regulation of apoptosis-related genes during interactions between oyster hemocytes and the alveolate parasite Perkinsus marinus.  Fish and Shellfish Immunology 83: 180-189. pdf

97. Bassim S, Allam B. (2018). SNP hot-spots in the clam parasite QPX. BMC Genomics 19: 486. pdf

96. Hartman R, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2018). Identification of clam plasma proteins that bind its pathogen Quahog Parasite Unknown. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 77: 214-221. pdf

95. Hornstein J, Pales Espinosa E, Cerrato R, Lwiza K, Allam B. (2018). The influence of temperature stress on the physiology of the Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 222: 66-73. pdf

94. Lau Y-T, Gambino L, Santos B, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2018). Regulation of oyster (Crassostrea virginica) hemocyte motility by the intracellular parasite Perkinsus marinus: A possible mechanism for host infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 78: 18-25. pdf

93. Lau Y-T, Gambino L, Santos B, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2018). Transepithelial migration of mucosal hemocytes in Crassostrea virginica and potential role in Perkinsus marinus pathogenesis. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 153:122-129. pdf

92. Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2018). Reverse genetics demonstrate the role of mucosal C-type lectins in food particle selection in the oyster Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Experimental Biology. pdf

91. Lau Y-T, Sussman L, Pales Espinosa E, Katalai S, Allam B. (2017). Characterization of hemocytes from different body fluids of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 71: 372-379. pdf

90. Rubin E, Tanguy A, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2017). Differential gene expression in five isolates of the clam pathogen, quahog parasite unknown (QPX). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 64: 647-654. pdf

89. Liu Q, Collier JL, Allam B. (2017). Seasonality of QPX disease in the Raritan Bay (NY) wild hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) population. Aquaculture Research 48: 1269-1278. pdf

88. Rubin E, Werneburg GT, Pales Espinosa E, Thanassi DG, Allam B. (2016). Identification and characterization of peptidases secreted by quahog parasite unknown (QPX), the protistan parasite of hard clams. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 122: 21-33. pdf

87. Wang K, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2016). Effect of “heat shock” treatments on QPX disease and stress response in the hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 138: 39-49. pdf

86. Allam B, Pales Espinosa E. (2016). Bivalve immunity and response to infections: Are we looking at the right place? Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 53: 4-12. pdf

85. Wang K, Del Castillo C, Corre E, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2016). Clam focal and systemic immune responses to QPX by RNA-Seq technology. BMC Genomics, 17:146. pdf

84. Pales Espinosa E, Cerrato R, Wikfors G, Allam B. (2016). Modeling food choice in the two suspension-feeding bivalves, Crassostrea virginica and Mytilus edulis. Marine Biology, 163(2): 1-13. pdf

83 Wang K, Pales Espinosa E, Tanguy A, Allam B. (2016). Alterations of the immune transcriptome in resistant and susceptible hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) in response to Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX) and temperature. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 49: 163-176. pdf

82. Pales Espinosa E, Koller A, Allam B. (2016). Proteomic characterization of mucosal secretions in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Proteomics 132: 63-76. pdf

81. Dahl S, Allam B. (2016). Clam transplant as a mitigation strategy for QPX disease in Mercenaria mercenaria. Aquaculture Research  47: 3445-1454.  pdf

80. Rosa M, Ward JE, Ouvrard M, Pales Espinosa E, Shumway SE, Allam B. (2015). Examining the physiological plasticity of particle capture by the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.): Confounding factors and potential artifacts with studies utilizing natural seston. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 473: 207-217. pdf

79. Allam B, Raftos D. (2015). Immune responses to infectious diseases in bivalves. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 131: 121-136. (review paper that is part of a special issue of JIP on mollusk diseases). pdf

78. Mars M, McElroy A, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2015). Antimicrobial activity in the cuticle of the American lobster, Homarus americanus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 44: 542-546. pdf.

77. Allam B, Pales Espinosa E. (2015). Mucosal immunity in mollusks. Book chapter In: Mucosal Health in Aquaculture. Benjamin Beck and Eric Peatman (Eds). Academic Press. pp. 325-370. ISBN: 978-0-12-417186-2.

76. Rubin E, Pales Espinosa E, Koller A, Allam B (2015). Characterization of the secretome of the clam parasite QPX. International Journal for Parasitology 45: 187-196. pdf

75. Allam B, Tanguy A, Jeffroy F, Le Bris C, Pales Espinosa E, Paillard C. (2014). Transcriptional changes in Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in response to brown ring disease. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 41(1): 2-11. pdf

74. Keeling PJ, Burki F, Wilcox HM, Allam B, Allen EE, et al. (2014). The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): Illuminating the functional diversity of eukaryotic life in the oceans through transcriptome sequencing. PLoS Biology, 12(6), e1001889. pdf

73. Pales Espinosa E., Corre E, Allam B. (2014). Pallial mucus of Crassostrea virginica regulates the expression of putative virulence genes of its pathogen Perkinsus marinus. International Journal for Parasitology 44: 305-317. pdf

72. Rubin E, Tanguy A, Perrigault M, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2014). Characterization of the transcriptome and temperature-induced differential gene expression of in quahog parasite unknown QPX, the thraustochytrid parasite of hard clams. BMC Genomics 15: 245. pdf

71. Pales Espinosa E, Boutet I, Le Panze S, Allam B, Tanguy A. (2013). Endobacteria in Loripes lacteus: Characterization, localization and some aspect of host-symbiont regulation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 448: 327-336. pdf

70. Levinton J, Doall M, Allam B. (2013). The two-year eastern oyster mortality syndrome in impacted waters. Journal of Shellfish Research 32(2): 417-427. pdf

69. Rosa M, Ward JE, Shumway SE, Wikfors GH, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B. (2013). Effects of Particle Surface Properties on Feeding Selectivity in the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica and the Blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 446: 320-327. pdf

68. Pales Espinosa E., Winnicki S, Allam B. (2013). Early host-pathogen interactions in marine bivalves: Pallial mucus of Crassostrea virginica modulates the growth and virulence of its pathogen Perkinsus marinus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 104: 237-247. pdf

67. Pales Espinosa E., Allam B. (2013). Food quality and season affect the expression of the mucosal lectin MeML and food sorting abilities in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Marine Biology 160(6): 1441-1450. pdf

66. Allam B, Carden WE, Ward JE, Ralph G, Winnicki S, Pales Espinosa E. (2013). Early host-pathogen interactions in marine bivalves: Evidence that the alveolate parasite Perkinsus marinus infects through the oyster mantle during rejection of pseudofeces. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 113: 26-34. pdf

65. Perrigault M., Dahl S.F., Pales-Espinosa E., Allam B. (2012). Effects of salinity on hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) defense parameters and QPX disease dynamics. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 110(1): 73-82. pdf

64. Perrigault M, Allam B. (2012). Differential immune response in the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) against bacteria and the protistan QPX (Quahog Parasite Unknown). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 32(6): 1124-1134. pdf

63. Homerding M, McElroy A, Taylor G, Dove A, Allam B. (2012). Investigation of epizootic shell disease in American lobsters (Homarus americanus) from Long Island Sound: II. Immune parameters in lobsters and relationships to the disease. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(2):495-504. pdf

62. Bell SL, Allam B., McElroy A, Dove A, Taylor GT. (2012). Investigation of epizootic shell disease in American lobsters (Homarus americanus) from Long Island Sound: I. Characterization of associated microbial communities. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(2):473-484. pdf

61. Sokolowski M, Allam B, Dunton K, Clark M, Kurtz E, Fast M. (2012). Spatio-temporal differences in immunophysiology of Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus (Mitchill), and the relationship to parasitic copepod, Dichelesthium oblongum, (Abilgaard) infection. Journal of Fish Diseases 35(9): 649-660. pdf

60. Levinton J, Doall M, Ralston D, Starke A, Allam B. (2011). Climate change, precipitation and the loss of an estuarine refuge. PLoS One 6(4): e18849. pdf

59. Xing J, Pales Espinosa E, Perrigault M, Allam B. (2011). Identification, molecular characterization and expression analysis of a mucosal C-type lectin in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 30: 851-858. pdf

58. Perrigault M., Dahl S.F., Pales Espinosa E., Gambino L., Allam B. (2010). Effects of temperature on hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) immunity and QPX (Quahog parasite unknown) disease development: II. Defense parameters. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 106: 322-332. pdf

57. Dahl S, Perrigault M, Liu Q, Collier JL, Barnes DA, Allam B. (2010). Effects of temperature on hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) immunity and QPX (Quahog parasite unknown) disease development: I. Dynamics of QPX disease. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 106: 314-321. pdf

56. Pales Espinosa E, Hassan D, Ward JE, Shumway SE, Allam B. (2010). The blue mussel Mytilus edulis uses recognition molecules to select food particles. Biological Bulletin 219: 50-60. pdf

55. Pales Espinosa E, Perrigault M, Allam B. (2010). Identification and molecular characterization of a mucosal lectin (MeML) from Mytilus edulis and its potential role in particle capture. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology156:495-501. pdf

54. Perrigault M, Buggé DM., Allam B. (2010). Effect of environmental factors on survival and growth of quahog parasite unknown (QPX) in vitro. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 104:83-89. pdf

53. Dahl S, Thiel J, Allam B. (2010). QPX disease progress in cultured and wild type hard clams in New York waters. Journal of Shellfish Research 29(1): 83-90. pdf

52. Pales Espinosa E, Perrigault M, Ward JE, Shumway S, Allam B. (2010). Lectin binding patterns of microalgae: role in particle selection in suspension feeding bivalves. Biological Bulletin 218:75-86. pdf

51. Perrigault M, Tanguy A, Allam B. (2009). Indentification and quantification of differentially expressed genes in the hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, in response to quahog parasite unknown (QPX). BMC Genomics 10: 377. pdf

50. Perrigault M, Allam B. (2009). Cytotoxicity of Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX) toward hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) haemocytes and interactions between different pathogen isolates and host strains. Parasitology 136: 1281-1289. pdf

49. Pales Espinosa, E., Perrigault, M., Ward, J.E., Shumway, S.E., Allam, B. (2009). Lectins associated with the feeding organs of the oyster Crassostrea virginica can mediate particle selection. Biological Bulletin 217: 130-141.pdf

48. Liu Q, Allam B., Collier JL. (2009). A quantitative real-time PCR assay for QPX (Thraustochytridae), a parasite of the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria). Submitted to Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75:4913-4918. pdf

47. Ford SE, Allam B, Xu Z. (2009). Using PCR and bivalve “particle collectors” to investigate the environmental distribution of Haplosporidium nelsoni, the agent of MSX disease in eastern oysters. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 83: 159-168. pdf

46. Bettencourt R, Dando P, Collins P, Costa V, Allam B, Serrão Santos R. (2009). Innate immunity in the deep sea hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 152: 278-289.pdf

45. Perrigault M, Buggé DM, Hao CC, Allam B. (2009). Modulatory effects of hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) tissue extracts on the in vitro growth of its pathogen QPX. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 100: 1-8. pdf

44. Dahl, S.F., Perrigault M., Allam, B. (2008). Laboratory transmission studies of QPX disease in the hard clam: Pathogenicity of different pathogen isolates toward various clam stocks. Aquaculture 280:64-70. pdf

43. Pales Espinosa, E., Allam, B., Ford S.E. (2008). Particle selection in the ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa and the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica: effect of microalgae growth stage. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79:1-6. pdf

42. Fast MD, Afonso L, Hosoya S, Johnson SC. 2008. Cortisol response and immune-related effects of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar Linnaeus) subjected to short- and long-term stress.  Fish Shellfish Immunol Fish Shellfish Immunol. 24:194-204.

41. Gobler C.J., Berry D.L., Anderson O.R., Burson A., Koch F., Rodgers B.S., Moore L.K., Goleski J.A., Allam B., Bowser P., Tang Y., Nuzzi R. (2008). Characterization, dynamics, and ecological impacts of harmful Cochlodinium polykrikoides blooms on eastern Long Island, NY, USA. Harmful Algae 7: 293-307. pdf

40. Lyons M.M., Lau Y.-T., Carden W.E., Ward J.E., Roberts S.B., Smolowitz R., Vallino J., Allam B. (2007). Characteristics of marine aggregates in shallow ecosystems: Implications for disease ecology. Ecohealth 4: 406-420. pdf

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1. Allam B., Paillard C., Maes P. (1996). Effet du nouveau fluorochrome redox, le chlorure de cyanoditolyl tétrazolium (CTC), sur une souche bactérienne du genre  Vibrio. Lebanese Science Bulletin 9(1): 1-10.