Month: October 2018

Eighth GBM- Neuroscience of Fear

This Wednesday (10/31), the Neuroscience Axis is exploring fear and neural processes involved in the fear response. Join us this Halloween to learn what happens within our brain when we are afraid and how fear affects our body. Take a break from your studies and play trivia with us to win some candy! We hope to see you all on Wednesday 7-8pm in Life Sciences 038.

Seventh GBM- Advising Night

Are you starting to think about what classes to take next semester? Are you unsure about which professor to pick or what class combination to take on? Well then this GBM is perfect for you! This Wednesday (10/24) we will be helping out with class schedules and how to coordinate them. Since we have taken most of the classes that some of you will be signing up for, we can help you decide the best path for yourself. Come join us from 7-8 and pick your schedule for Spring 2018!

Sixth GBM- Neuroscience and Mental Health

This Wednesday (10/17), Neuroscience Axis is going to be discussing the importance of mental health among college students. This GBM will be filled with fun activities such as painting and clay modeling to help you de-stress and express yourself. Take a break from studying and join us on Wednesday 7-8pm in Life Sciences 038!


Fifth GBM- Neuroanthopology

Are you interested in anthropology? Don’t really know what it is and what its potential applications are? This event is for you! This week, we will be collaborating with the Undergraduate Anthropology Society to go over the field of anthropology and several subfields, such as neuroanthropology and medical anthropology. Join us this week to learn more about anthropology on Wednesday, October 10th from 7-8PM in Life Science 038. We hope to see you there!


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