NotebookLM Now Available to Stony Brook Students, Faculty and Staff!

NotebookLM is a cutting-edge, cloud-based AI service designed to revolutionize personal research and knowledge management. It offers a secure, personalized space where users can upload diverse sources – PDFs, web links, videos, audio files, Google Workspace documents, and more – to create a customized AI model.

For more information, visit:

Known Issue: Small number of quiz attempts do not auto-grade

Some users have reported the following issue in Brightspace:


In Brightspace, using Quizzes, some Instructors may encounter a very small number of quiz attempts where the quiz did not auto-grade.

This issue applies to (but may not be limited to) Brightspace 20.24.10.

Work Around:
As a workaround to this issue:

On the grade page for the attempt that did not auto-grade, please select the “Reset Evaluation” option and this will trigger the attempt to be auto-graded.

Winter & Spring ’25 Instructors – Brightspace course shells are now available!

Course sites have been created for all Winter & Spring ’25 (West Campus, HSC & Southampton) courses. To access your course site, go to and click the Login button. Login with your NetID username and password. 

If you do not see a course you are teaching, check SOLAR to be sure you are the instructor on record before submitting a service ticket at

Students DO NOT have access! All courses are set to inactive. Your students will NOT be able to access the course until you make your class active.

Once your course is active, all students who are registered will have access & you can add TA’s and other instructors to your course if you wish.

Students assume a class is using Brightspace and think something is wrong when they do not see their courses at the beginning of the semester. If you are not using Brightspace, please let your students know

Review our Start of the Semester: Top Brightspace Tips! which our team has compiled based on questions received over the past 2 years, visit our Brightspace Checklist

Many students proactively check Brightspace just before the semester begins and contact us (& the Registrar’s office) when they do not see their classes.

Winter session begins on Tuesday 1/7 & Spring session begins on Monday 1/27

If you are using Brightspace, please make your class active & create an announcement for your students on or before the first day of classes.

Tuesday’s Helpful Trick: Bulk Editing in Brightspace

It’s Halloween week and we have some TRICKS to help you save time while evaluating your students in Brightspace!





Join us for an upcoming session on “Bulk Editing in Brightspace” this Wednesday, October 30th 12:00 – 12:45 PM!

In this session, you will

  1. Learn how to use the Set Grades feature in the gradebook
  2. Learn how to grade offline using the import/export tool

Register HERE.