All posts by Kristy Bunton

Wednesday Wisdom

Are you currently using the built-in Brightspace Calendar tool?

If not, you should start today!

Display all upcoming events to learners in one spot. 

Add items such as:

  • Assignments
  • Quizzes/Exams
  • Project due dates
  • Office Hours
  • In-class Events
Students have told us that they are more on track with their assignments and exams/quizzes when their Instructor uses the built-in course calendar!

For more information:

Wednesday Wisdom


Thinking of what you could do this spring break?

How about previewing your grades in Brightspace!

Make sure grades are accurate for your students before they return from break! 



Use the Preview option to see exactly how a student sees his/her grades. 

  1. In Brightspace,click the course selector near the top center and select the course
  2. Once in the course, in the Navbar select Grades
  3. Near the top left, select Enter Grades

Scroll down (or use the View By or search tools) to find the student whose grades you want to preview grades for and select the dropdown next to the student’s name and select Preview

Wednesday Wisdom

The Question Library is a central repository that stores and archives questions which you can reuse within a course. You can create multiple collections within the Question Library to organize your questions by type and topic, making it easier for you to find questions for your quizzes, surveys, and self assessments.

As a best practice for storage, organization, and easy access, we recommend that you create all your questions using the Question Library. You can also consolidate questions created within the Quizzes, Surveys, and Self Assessments tools by importing them back into the Question Library.

Wednesday Wisdom

Want to check in on how students are progressing in your Brightspace course?

The Class Progress Tool in Brightspace | Division of Information Technology

Instructors can access Class Progress and see overall how all students are doing!


You may want to use the Class Progress tool to do any of the following:

  • Monitor progress for any or all users in your course
  • Prepare progress reports
  • View user profiles, email users, or instant message users
  • Track when a user accesses the course and downloads course content
  • Track a user’s grades, completion of learning objectives, access of content topics, participation in discussions, assignment submissions, quiz submissions, checklist completion, survey responses, login history, and system access.
  • Set up intelligent Agents for learners who are falling behind in a course
  • View feedback and submissions for assignments, discussion topics, and other assessments for individual learners

Wednesday Wisdom

We hope the semester has kicked off to an amazing start! 

Have you been looking to add users to your course? Maybe you have a teaching assistant that you would like to put into Brightspace? Or maybe you’re not sure what type of access to give someone you want to add (IE: TA, Grader, Course Builder)? 

Well you have come to the right place! It is simple to add a user to your course, click here to find out how.

Wednesday Wisdom

Welcome to the Spring 2024 semester! ☀️

We hope you had a relaxing break.

As we embark on a new semester, we wanted to share some useful Brightspace tips.

Have you ever wondered what your course looks like from your students’ perspectives? Wonder no more! Brightspace allows you to easily view your course in a learner view, giving you an insight to what your students see. Click here to learn more!

In addition, instructors can also use another preview option in Grades to see exactly what a specific student sees in their Grades for a course.

Check back every Wednesday this semester for updates/tips!