
How Not to Embarass Yourself on SnapChat

MTV has a research team. They try to figure out what the kids are up to these days. And one big thing the kids are up to is Snapchat, the picture messaging smartphone app.

How Not to Embarrass Yourself on Snapchat: The Millennial Guide for Olds
Trying to stay with it, old man? The TV network of your childhood has some etiquette suggestions for you, straight from the mouths of babies.
The Atlantic
Alexis C. Madrigal Jan 24 2014, 1:57 PM ET

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

Is Goggle Making Us Stupid


Is Goggle Making Us Stupid

What the Internet is doing to our brains

July/August 2008
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
What the Internet is doing to our brains
Nicholas Carr Jul 1 2008, 12:00 PM ET


Read the article and post your thoughts in a reply at bottom of  this blog post.  Reply to others.  What is Nicholas Carr’s point?  Think about the following when replying:

•  What is your first impression of this article?  Reply with your first thoughts?

•  What is your first impression of the author?  Remember, this article was written in 2008?

•  How many times a week do you use Google?  How about in a day?

•   Does Nicholas Carr make valid points about our dependence on the Internet and Google?

•  How does Google enhance our ability to communicate, research, and carry on our day to day activities?

•  Are we dependent upon Google?  Give some pros and cons to our use of Google?

Be honest.  Could you be as smooth an operator, as we all know you are, without Google?  Imagine life without Google or any other digital tool…life without a smartphone.  Be intelligent with your comments and back the up.