April 2019

You are browsing the site archives for April 2019.

The Power-and Hope-of Narratives


by Sarah Davis “Anthropocene is the proposed name for a geologic epoch in which humans have become the major force determining the continuing livability of the earth. The word tells a big story: living arrangements that took millions of years to put into place are being undone in the blink of an eye. The hubris […]

#Trumpbookreview and Writing about Literature

#Trumpbookreview and Writing about Literature

by Jessica Hautsch If you were to gather together a group of writing instructors and ask them to list authors whose prose they might use as model texts in the classroom, it is very possible that the last person they would suggest would be Donald J. Trump. In fact, it is probably more likely that […]

A Modest Proposal: Make Room for Amazon; Tear down NYPL, Brick by Brick, Book by Book

Amazon's logo is literally smiling. And you want me to think that having them around would be detrimental? I think not.

by Bernard Krumm Less than two months ago, New York City suffered a major economic setback when Amazon announced that it was pulling out of a plan to set up a second headquarters in Queens, taking 25,000 jobs and an estimated $27 billion in tax revenue with them. While anti-corporate and other local activists celebrated with […]

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