Monthly Archives: October 2016

The Trivedi Effect® envisages a revolutionary phase of Science in the 21st century!

Are you still dreaming about the ‘perfect kind of life’ with absolutely no tension, problem and failure? If your answer is yes, It’s time to come out of your dreams and get ready to be a part of the whole new revolutionized world where your mind is capable of doing a variety of things without caring about any boundaries and you can freely express yourself as who you are. Be ready to become open-minded, radically innovative, enthusiastic and a self-driven individual. Yes, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi or the Master of Transformation (as he’s well-known among his disciples) has bestowed the world with this matchless phenomenon of Energy Transmissions™ known as The Trivedi Effect®. Continue reading


Agriculture is the cultivation of plants, fungi, animals and other forms of life for humanity’s basic needs, such as food, medicine, fiber, biofuel, and shelter. Agricultural science is the discipline dedicated to understanding and practicing Agriculture. Agricultural science addresses the exact, natural, economic and social parameters involved in production techniques, improving quality and quantity of agricultural products, developing new ecofriendly pesticides, creating new irrigation technologies, and developing processed products from raw materials. Continue reading

Organic Farming and Its Importance

Organic farming is defined as the system of production that does not use pesticide  or synthetic fertilizers, livestock feed additives and growth regulator. To the paramount extent, flexible organic farming system relies upon crop residues, green manure, pest weeds, crop rotations, off- farm organic wastes, legumes, aspects of biological pest control insects, animal manures, and etc. Continue reading

Increasing Crop Yield Using Biofield Energy- The Trivedi Effect

The major contribution of the 21st century scientific research has been towards the improvement of the agricultural practices. It has been rightly understood that the discoveries and inventions of various procedures and irrigation techniques are focused to address the challenge of how to increase agricultural production. It is not only the issue or aspect under consideration of certain regions; it’s rather an issue which has grappled all the participating nations in the food security challenge led by the global scientific forums as well as the United Nations. Continue reading

Stem Cell Cancer Research: An Introduction!

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells found in all microorganisms which have the ability to multiply to produce new stem cells or differentiate into mature cells or tissues. Researchers have identified the application of these stem cells in curing many life threatening diseases like cancer, HIV, diabetes and also explored its potentials in gene therapy. Cancer cells are cells that undergo uncontrolled mitosis leading to degeneration of a tissue or organ. These cells are similar to stem cells that both have the ability to multiply, but the latter one acquires self sufficiency and invasive metastatic abilities. Researchers believe that the cancer cells are derived from stem cells . A tumor has mature cancer cells as well as cancer stem cells having the inherent ability to proliferate indefinitely and initiate cancer. The discovery of cancer stem cells has greater implications on the early detection of diseases and effective treatment. Continue reading

A Scholarly Take On The Bitter Gourd Production

Bitter Gourd is one of the highly rated crops when it comes to its economical relevance which of course is driven by its nutritious value. Popularly known as a crop cultivated in southern parts of India and also being exported to the Asian and European markets, farmers have their own set of advantages and challenges in cultivating it. Bitter Gourd production needs a critical review when considering the relevant aspects of plant immunity.

Bitter Gourd Production

Establishing the Relationship between the Plant Immunity and Bitter Gourd Production

It is a well known fact that the agricultural crops classified under fruits and vegetable production are susceptible for an additional risk of exposure to pests, plagues and pathogens. It does matter for the plants with weak or fragile stem system and people involved in the Bitter Gourd production can easily connect with the challenge, because by the very nature of the plant anatomy of Bitter Gourd, it doesn’t have a very strong stem system. Creepers are always known for their limitation and the soil quality has a major role to play in this scenario. Apart from the soil quality which has to be essentially rich in its organic composure, plant immunity has a major role to play in the crop sustenance and accelerated production. It is also applicable for the crop as a whole as it works differently for perennial plants and the short term crops which are not known for an annual production. Considering the economic advantage associated with these crops, farmers do take the risk of growing them in extended agricultural lands which are supposed to be well conditioned or prepared as per the specific guidelines of the Bitter Gourd production. Simultaneously, understanding the essentials of the plant immunity can be an added advantage for the farmers and the agricultural communities on the whole.

Producing More Bitter Gourd – The Trivedi Effect

Crop Production Guidelines – Bitter Gourd as a Case in Point

To begin with the soil quality and ideal soil conditions, for better prospects of Bitter Gourd production, it is suggested that the soils classified as sandy loamy soils are ideal. They are also required to be rich in the organic composure and the soil fertilization process must have been either through an exclusive organic process or should have a balanced way of including organic components. Such a soil preparation will also be effective in enhancing the plant immunity.

Bitter Gourd is also a season specific plant and the ideal seasons of the plantation is either in June or in the month of January. These are also the ideal conditions according to the regional climatic conditions in the southern India where its maximum production is witnessed.

The process to plough, seed preparation, sowing and irrigation are the sequential processes which are supposed to be implemented as per the time tested practices and approved agricultural guidelines. Seeds are supposed to be treated with agents such as Trichoderma viride and Pseudomonas fluorescens which are known to enhance the plant immunity and help in Bitter Gourd production in a better way.

There are further elaborate guidelines in the irrigation, pest control and cultivation management of these crops, farmers can get better direction from the experts at The Trivedi Foundation.

A Better Approach to Fight Multidrug Resistant Hospital Infections by The Trivedi Effect®

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an aerobic and Gram-negative bacterium regarded as Global emerging multidrug resistant organism in hospitalized or immunocompromised patients. To find an alternative to fight against these drug resistant pathogens, the unique biofield energy treatment of Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi was studied on S. maltophilia with the help of standard scientific methods. Continue reading