Tag Archives: Stem cell research

Stem Cell Cancer Research: An Introduction!

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells found in all microorganisms which have the ability to multiply to produce new stem cells or differentiate into mature cells or tissues. Researchers have identified the application of these stem cells in curing many life threatening diseases like cancer, HIV, diabetes and also explored its potentials in gene therapy. Cancer cells are cells that undergo uncontrolled mitosis leading to degeneration of a tissue or organ. These cells are similar to stem cells that both have the ability to multiply, but the latter one acquires self sufficiency and invasive metastatic abilities. Researchers believe that the cancer cells are derived from stem cells . A tumor has mature cancer cells as well as cancer stem cells having the inherent ability to proliferate indefinitely and initiate cancer. The discovery of cancer stem cells has greater implications on the early detection of diseases and effective treatment. Continue reading