The Trivedi Effect®: A Step Towards Alternative for Urinary Tract Infection in Young Women

In the recent modern times, health care has been one of the major concerns around the globe. Nearly every scientific community in the world is trying to improve health care by doing researches on various health issues across the globe. One of the most respected spiritual leaders is also trying to do the same but with a different approach. He is using his divine energy to eradicate diseases and optimize human potential like no other person can do on this planet.

A scientific research work was conducted to see the effect of Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi’s unique biofield energy treatment (also known as The Trivedi Effect®) on the microbe of Staphylococcus saprophyticus for the assessment of its antimicrobial responses. The outcomes of this study has already been published in a well reputed peer-reviewed journal entitle “Journal of Women’s Health Care”. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in women. S. saprophyticus is a unique uropathogen associated with uncomplicated UTIs, especially cystitis in young women. Children with UTIs may show different symptoms than adults. Pregnant women have a higher risk of developing UTIs and have a greater chance of delivering their babies prematurely with kidney infections. Those who use a contraceptive diaphragm or spermicide for birth control are more prone to the chances of UTIs. The frequency of sexual intercourse is the strongest predictor of recurrent UTIs in patients presenting with recurrent dysuria. Young women are very susceptible to colonize this organism in the urinary tracts and it is spread through sexual intercourse. In this study results, 50% tested antimicrobials showed significant alteration in antimicrobial susceptibility and 36.67% showed an alteration in minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of S. saprophyticus in the treated cells as compared to the control. It was also observed that overall 14.81% biochemical reactions were altered in the treated group with respect to the control. Moreover, biotype number (342 064) along-with organism (Staphylococcus hominis subsp. novobiosepticus) was changed in the treated group as compared to the control (242076; S. saprophyticus). The overall result suggested that biofield treatment has the significant impact on S. saprophyticus treated cells with respect to the antimicrobial susceptibility, MIC, biochemical reactions pattern and biotype.

Trivedi Science is all about optimizing objects and human potential to its maximum. Guruji Mahendra Trivedi has done thousands of miraculous experiments like this. Anyone who wants to see his other experiments which defy the laws of nature can see them on

One thought on “The Trivedi Effect®: A Step Towards Alternative for Urinary Tract Infection in Young Women

  1. S. Jain

    I visited and found a completely new science that is more interesting and more capable in fighting with the common health problems.


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