From the Syllabus (with updates): A blog-folio, as the name indicates, is a combination of blog and online portfolio. For this assignment, you will create a blog-based website (early on in the semester) and publish, as static pages, the different parts of your resume (with additional details/elaborations as well as additional sections that suit the online version). Besides being an extended, online version of your resume, your blogfolio will also include the following materials in the form of blog entries or static pages (as appropriate): your reading responses (or any alternative posts approved by the instructor), your “being more than my profession” essay (when finalized), and any reflections on the course that you write (optional now). Note that you have the options of sharing your blogfolio just with the class, with members of SBU community, or open/broader audiences (recommended; publish content accordingly). This is flexible project, and it will allow you to do a lot more than the basic/required amount of work; however, in order to receive good credit, you must take the initiative, invest sufficient time and energy, and demonstrate your skills and interests.
Assessment Criteria
We will discuss creating an intellectually substantive, professionally impactful web profile that you also enjoy creating. From an assessment perspective, here’s a quick view about what a good blogfolio should look like.
An A blogfolio contains substance (including impressive “thought per line”) in the writing within the static pages and also within the blog entries. It looks like the author went considerably beyond the minimum requirement; the blogfolio doesn’t look like an assignment but rather a lively place that engages the visitors well. Social media is integrated and there is some social footprint from discussions with members of the class if not from audiences beyond the classroom (the author has made the efforts, regardless of response/interaction). The blogfolio represents the author’s overall profile with a strong impression of his/her personality, professional skills/talents, academic caliber, and the ability/interest to engage in “substance-” based professional networking (or at least in web presence). The overall design, navigation, and features/functions integrated appear to be though through and reflect a good investment of time and energy on the part of the author.
A B blogfolio contains a considerable amount of substance in both the pages and the possts, and both quantity and quality of the content are impressive. The blogfolio is also impressive and goes beyond the look and feel of being a required assignment done for class (fulfilling minimal “requirements”): it demonstrates fairly enthusiastic engagement in its design/layout, content, and thought per line. Social media is integrated but there may be not much activity or attempt to engage the audience actively. The blogfolio represents the author’s overall profile, personality, and skills/talents fairly well.
A C blogfolio is minimalist in content, media integration, design, and audience engagement. There are all the required components which meet required/minimal expectations of the assignment, but there blogfolio doesn’t give the impression of a living, engaging space that engages visitors. Content is lacking/minimal and/or not always appropriate for the context and purpose of the genre. Overall, the site looks like it was completed in minimal time.
An F blogfolio doesn’t meet even minimal requirements of the assignment. The author neither sought support of the instructor nor invested time and energy/enthusiasm.