For Spring 2023, all courses are encouraged to use Brightspace!

Blackboard will no longer be an option after Spring 2023.    The system is retiring in October:

DoIT’s Brightspace team is here to help !

Attendance Tool in Brightspace?

Some  Instructors are asking about the Brightspace Attendance Tool.

After exploring this tool, I have constructed the following If…Then  statements:

If attendance is part of your grading criteria, Then do not use this tool.  Instead post attendance in the Grades area so it’s part of the automatic calculation.  Mine looks like this:

Screenshot of attendance in grade center


Interested in learning more about Grades in Brightspace?  Check out DoIT Training’s Minibyte slideshow/videos

If you aren’t concerned about incorporating it into grades, then read on!

Brightspace Attendance

The attendance is a tool that you will find in  Course Admin

Directions on how to  set it up can be found here.

I could not find any directions on how the students can view it but I did figure out that you can add it to your Nav bar. if you want the students to see the available Attendance data.

Note that this tool will work fine without the students having access to view it.  The students do not check themselves into class, this is a manual process that the instructor must enter, one by one. (This is a large reason why simply using the Grades area and marking off any absences may be less time consuming.)

This shows the pull down process for marking each learner present or absent:

It is easy to see how a long class roster would be a burden.

… and If you choose to enter this into the Course Nav Bar, this is what a student sees:

While it does not connect to the grade center, you can export the information out if you would like into a csv file.

The file looks like this:

export of attendance roster contains Name, username, ID#, Weekly attendance and summary of how many Present, Absent, Late & Excused.


Brightspace: e-mail the whole class

So, in my last post, I showed how users can opt in and out of notifications.  In this post we get around students being able to opt out of announcement notifications and also help keep your course site a little cleaner.

As opposed to sending an Announcement, you can email the whole class by going to “Course Admin” in the NavBar -> Learner Management section and click on “Classlist”.

Then select from the top “Email Classlist”

Click on “Send Email”

and compose your email to the whole class here.  Click “Send”.

originally published:

Brightspace Notifications

How to setup your alerts  and register your mobile device on Brightspace:

Find Notifications under the location where it says your name.



Under Contact Methods:

Register your Mobile Device




Set your SMS and eMail notifications:



When you have everything setup, click Save at the bottom left corner of the page.

Remember to check your email inside of Brightspace.  You can see that by clicking on the icon that looks like an envelope.

originally published:

Brightspace e-mail

Brightspace has its own email and it can push notifications out to our e-mail.

It is important that students, faculty and staff understand that using the inbox inside of Brightspace is important.

It is found by clicking on the envelope icon.


originally published:

3rd Party Tools being added to Brightspace

Thank you to all who have reached out asking about 3rd party tools

The following list will be updated as more tools become available in the system.

Tools that are working:

  • Echo360
  • Lumen
  • McGraw Hill Connect
  • Respondus
  • Turn It In (this is the replacement for SafeAssign in Blackboard)
  • VoiceThread
  • Wiley
  • Zoom

Tools that are still being configured:

  • Ally
  • Cengage
  • Digital Desk
  • Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • Macmillan Learning
  • MindLinks
  • MyLab & Mastering
  • Vital Source
  • W.W. Norton & Company

KB articles for tools that are in production are available on the Brightspace service page :

Brightspace has arrived!

This blog has been “quiet” for some time but now, thanks to Brightspace & the return to campus, it seems the perfect time to re-ignite it!

In case you haven’t heard .. Brightspace has arrived!

Later this week, I will post a  video highlighting some of my favorite tools that I tried this Spring, which include: Quick Eval, Course Progress, Checklists and Intelligent Agents.

Once you add the pieces (that you already have from your Blackboard course) :

Pieces needed to use Brightspace

The built in tools mentioned above will work for you with minimal effort on your part.

To see what I’m talking about, view Brightspace – Start with the _pieces   ..  Video coming soon!

Stay tuned….

Diana Voss
Director of Academic Technology Services


Have you been  to any of our workshops?

With subjects including:

Not only do these workshops focus on subjects that students want to learn about, but they are also offered at the times we have found to be most popular for students, including weekends and evenings!

Sign up for upcoming workshops using SBEngage today!

All Those Test Options in Blackboard & How to Give a Synchronous Test*

This blog entry is going to focus on the options in Blackboard that have to do with the timing of an test.

When you are first creating the Test.. these options are found under the Test Information area and span a few sections.  If you have already made the test you can find these options by clicking the chevron next to the test name and clicking “Edit the Test Options”.

Force Completion

When you set this option, if the student looses the connection or accidentally closes the browser, they will be unable to go back and finish the test. (Without you having to intervene anyway.)  We don’t recommend enabling this setting.

Set Timer

This option gives the student a visible countdown timer during the test. It begins after the test description and instructions have been displayed. If Auto-Submit  is selected, at the end of the count down, it ends the test, no matter where they were.  If Auto-Submit is not checked, you will see an exclamation point in the grade center and have the option to adjust the grade, if they went long.

If the Force Completion is not set, and a student looses their connection or accidentally closes the browser, they will be able to continue taking the test, and the timer will continue from when it initially started. (eg., If they loose the connection for 10 minutes, they loose that 10 minutes.)

Display After and Until

A better way of handling whether students can see the test, rather than the “Make the Link Available” option.  Also consider, they can’t start what they cannot see.  *So if you want everyone to be done by 1pm and you have a 30 minute timer with auto-submit enabled, consider Display Until to end around 12:30. 

Due Date

Due dates (and times) do not affect the test availability (unless you choose the Do not allow students to start the Test if the due date has passed option), but rather provide a flag on the test if it was started or ended after the due date/time.

Test Availability Exceptions

This section allows you to make test rule exceptions for people that need accommodations, or have other needs depending on language or technology situations.

If these settings exist for a test or survey, you can create these exceptions:

  • Number of attempts
  • Timer
  • Availability: Date and time the test is available to the student or group
  • Force completion
  • Restrict location


Have any interesting testing stories to tell?  What other testing options do you have questions about?  Please comment below!