New Live Streaming Attendance Feature

This new feature is available for those instructors who have live streaming turned on inside of Echo360.  It will show, as seen below, who is logged into the live stream, as well as log this information (and the total connection time) for your use in calculating attendance.

If this feature makes a difference in your decision on whether you want to turn on live streaming, please contact us at to make any changes to your capture schedule.

Attendance Verification Tools and Suggestions

All faculty should have recently received an email regarding attendance verification from the Office of the Registrar.  This is the webpage that relates to the same topic:

The part of this that we can assist with is related to this quote:

“Financial Aid eligibility is determined based on a student’s attendance or participation in an academically related activity in the class.”

In other words, simply taking attendance isn’t good enough.  There must also be proof of academically related activities.  They have some examples of methods for meeting this requirement on their site.

You may already use Clickers in the classroom.  In CELT we always offer the guidance of their use to facilitate learning and engagement in the classroom. Even the largest lecture halls at SBU can be interactive and stimulating when these student engagement tools are used to their fullest.

So… good examples of questions to ask for the purposes of taking attendance and demonstrating academic content, will be:

pre-assessment questions (what do they think they understand or know before you teach the subject)

mid-lesson assessment (are they understanding the concepts you are currently explaining)

homework spot checks (a question about something only covered in previously assigned homework)

post-assessment questions (what did they learn during class… particularly useful when compared to pre-assessment results.)

Questions that explore cultural diversity or opinions (usually anonymous with no right or wrong answers and clearly appropriate to your subject matter.)

Also, they can be successfully used to facilitate and report back group work such as Think/Pair/Share and Jigsaw activities.

These would be poor examples of clicker use and would not demonstrate academically related activities :

Are you here today?
Did you do your homework?
Click in for attendance now.

Other tools that Academic Technologies and CELT offer that can demonstrate both academically related activities and attendance include Blackboard, echo360, VoiceThread, Qualtrics, Google Apps and Adobe Connect.

Please feel free to setup an appointment or attend one of our workshops, to find out more.

ASR for Live Presentations in Google Slides & MS PowerPoint

This is super easy.   But a caveat… we have a BIG feature request for Google and MS regarding this technology.

So here is a recording I made using QuickTime Player on a Mac, of myself giving a test presentation in Google Slides.  You will notice that there is no audio.  I think that I don’t have the audio setup right for QT, but in a way it illustrates the power of this ASR.  Technical problems happen while we are teaching.  It does happen.  In this case, because I was using ASR in Google Slides, you can still receive my presentation through sight.

Hover over the video and click on the icon with the box and arrow, to make the video larger, so you can read the live captions.

Next I try the same basic idea in MS Power Point.  It is slightly more complicated to activate, but still not an overwhelming obstacle.  I also fixed my QuickTime Player audio for this recording. MS uses their own “intelligent services” for the captioning, whereas Google used the Macs built in speech recognition.


Now for the Caveat.  When you are finished, the captions aren’t saved.  If I hadn’t done screen recordings, I wouldn’t even have this much.  So you can’t use them for individuals who would have been employing a screen reader, and you can’t use this to jump start your production of a transcript.  This is only for producing captions during a live talk and only useful for sighted individuals.

If you are interested in using ASR for successfully making your course recordings accessible and even fully ADA compliant, please look into turning on ASR within by using this form.

This is a cross post from

Do you use clickers in your class? Please make sure you let the new bookstore know

Follett Discover
Early today, the following email was sent from our Bookstore Liason to all instructors.   If you use clickers, please make sure  you indicate that you do when you submit your request trough Follett.
Dear Faculty & Department Administrators,

We have begun to transition to our new official bookstore provider, Follett, and we invite you to select the course materials you need through Follett Discover Adopt, the online course material requisition tool.

Remember, there will not be a brick-and-mortar bookstore on campus. All of your “required and recommended” course materials will be available for students to purchase in time for the Summer I, II and Fall 2018 semesters on the website with available shipping to their home, campus store or campus address.

Our goal is to have all of your course materials up on SOLAR by the time class registration begins. Providing your requisition on time ensures that the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) compliance is met and that students can shop early to obtain their course materials at the best prices. By letting Follett know if you will be using the same course materials in upcoming semesters, they can offer our students more money for their course materials at buyback.

The due date for submitting course materials requests for Summer and Fall 2018 is Monday, April 2nd. If you do not require any course materials for your class, please indicate “No Text Required” in the online portal. Additional information and reminders about placing your course material requisitions will be sent to you via subsequent emails.

Open House

Follett will be hosting an Open House event on Wednesday, March 7th from 12:00pm – 2:30pm at Charles B. Wang Center, room 301. We invite you to attend so that Follett can introduce you to the new course material requisition tool and how to log into the portal.

Please click the invite below to RSVP:

Book Buyback

Please remind your students that Follett will be hosting book buyback events at the end of the spring semester at Shop Red West and Shop Red East. When they sell back their textbooks to Follett, it helps other students get the best prices for used books next semester. Textbook rental returns through Amazon@StonyBrook can be dropped off at the campus pickup point location in the Melville library.

Desk Copies

If you would like a complimentary desk copy for the course you are teaching, you can request a digital copy of the book through the Follett Discover Adopt online portal.

The Bookstore Liaison’s Office is here to support you and will answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please reach us at or call 631.632.9828.


The Bookstore Liaison Team

Office of the Bookstore’s Liaison
We are located at the following address:

Office of the Bookstore Liaison — Faculty Student Association
East Side Dining
157 Circle Drive
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4180
C2E: Committed to Excellence!