What is Family?

What is family? by Jane Thomas


  1. A digital story is a video that showcases a certain aspect of one’s life. They combine videos, photos, narration, music, text, and more. Digital storytelling is the video form of a self-expressive piece that explores and explains a certain concept or topic of one’s choice.
  2. From this project I learned how to combine different forms of multimedia to covey a specific message in an informative and creative manner.
  3. Since this project taught me a bit about creaitivity, I could use the creativity skills I gained from project in other projects in either my academic, professional, or personal life.
  4. My favorite aspect of this project was getting to gather all my favorite pictures of my family and freinds and putting them into a slideshow.
  5. I decided to talk about my family and friends and the relationships I had with them and also explain that in a reflective video. I made me appreaciate my family and friends much more than I did before.
  6. While recording my voice for narration, the sound did not come out as well as I had hoped and therefore I had to re-record my voice over and over agian to get the right quality.
  7. I would not change anything about this project because I loved every aspect of it.
  8. I learned how to use creativity in reflecting on an aspect of my life.