Tips for Transfer Students

by Rachel Parker

Congratulations future Seawolf! While transferring to a new university can be daunting, you’re not alone in either nerves or excitement. When I transferred to Stony Brook University, I was incredibly anxious. I was pursuing a new course of study, becoming a commuting student for the first time, and transferring over 100 credits in various disciplines from my previous institution. Between filling out paperwork, choosing classes, and trying to make a graduation plan, the transfer process can be very stressful.

To make the transition easier, I implemented a few steps into the early stages of my transfer process that made matriculation into Stony Brook practically stress-free. Thanks to these provisions, I’ll be graduating in less than a year after I matriculated. Whether you’re officially enrolled, in the application process, or just perusing your options, here are some tips from a fellow transfer student that will make your transition to Stony Brook go as smoothly as possible, as well as open you up to fantastic academic and extracurricular opportunities on campus.


  1. Correspond with an advisor or department head as soon as you can

I knew I wanted to transfer institutions and complete an English degree, so before I even decided to apply to Stony Brook I emailed the undergraduate advisor for the department to let her know of my interest. Jim Carrey Coffee GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

We met in person several times before and during my application process, and together we came up with a loose graduation plan. Because of my meetings with her I was able to prepare the syllabi, course descriptions, and transfer course paperwork I needed way in advance.

Reach out to your prospective undergraduate advisor, department head, or someone in the transfer office. The more people who know your name and plan to transfer, the more professional relationships you’ll already have cultivated at your new university.

  1. Gather paperwork and start planning before your semester starts

Transferring credits from your previous institution can be a bit of work. Academic & Transfer Advising Services helps to streamline this process. Their website offers a program where you can manually enter the courses you’ve taken to receive the equivalencies of those courses at SBU. Then you will receive a list of which courses have exact equivalencies, as well as which courses need further department evaluation. Taking the time to complete this 15-20 minute process will make transferring credits a much easier process.

I also recommend keeping personal copies of transfer course evaluation forms or any relevant email correspondence. You are the best advocate for your education, so stay on top of everything as best as you can to ensure a smooth transition.

  1. Consider taking courses in the summer and winter sessions

I came into Stony Brook in Fall 2018 needing to complete 36 credits, but I was intent on graduating in Spring 2019. My undergraduate advisor encouraged me to look into taking online courses over the summer and winter sessions to spread out those credits so I wouldn’t be overwhelmed with 18 credit semesters.

I took two online courses in the Summer 2018, and the experience allowed me to acclimate to the SBU curriculum and pacing before starting my fall semester. Stony Brook University’s Summer Session page has the registration deadline as well as the list of available courses for Summer 2019, so see if any on campus or online classes work for you!

  1. That being said, don’t put too much pressure on your initial graduation goal

I was intent on graduating within the same year I matriculated into Stony Brook, but putting too much pressure on that goal caused me a lot of stress when registering for classes and having transfer courses evaluated. There’s nothing wrong with completing your coursework in the summer instead of the spring semester, or coming back for an additional fall semester to finish up your requirements.

You may decide to pick up a minor or a double major, or change your course of study altogether. There are all sorts of circumstances in addition to your courses that will influence your academics, like employment, personal health, and family matters. There is no concrete timeline that you have to adhere to, or pressure yourself to fulfill. Work together with your undergraduate advisor to formulate a graduation plan that works best for you and your education. Your degree will be just as valuable whether it takes two or five years.

  1. Find reasons to be involved on-campus other than academics

As a commuter and transfer student, I assumed that I wouldn’t feel very connected to the SBU campus or community. However, the campus organizations and community are so varied and welcoming, that I found myself involved in several ways. I acquired an on-campus job that allowed me to stay productive and make some money in between my classes, wrote articles for The Statesman newspaper, and participated in a Pocket Theater production at the Staller Center.

I found out about these opportunities through emails sent out by the school, as well as by attending the internship and campus job fair that takes place at the beginning of each semester. I’ve had incredibly positive experiences in each of these respects, and this semester I’m continuing my on campus employment as well as doing an internship with the English department that gave me the opportunity to write this blog post! A great way to seek on campus opportunities such as employment and job fairs is through Handshake, which you can visit online or download in app form straight to your phone.

  1. If you’re not sure, just ask!

Do one of the courses you’re transferring need to be evaluated by the relevant department? Send the syllabus to the undergraduate advisor and ask what they think. Do you need a certain form or signature from a specific faculty member? Shoot that person an email to ask when a good time to drop by is. Does a club interest you, but you want to know when the meetings are? Email club organizers and let them know you’d like to be involved. There is someone to answer each question you have coming into Stony Brook and help you through it; all you have to do is ask.

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7 Responses

  1. Oleg21 January 29, 2022 at 8:18 pm |

    My kid need assistance in maths, but we were unable to locate a qualified teacher to assist him. And then we came across national tech education and a website that was able to assist us. They explain each issue in a straightforward and understandable manner. I encourage everyone who isn’t particularly strong at arithmetic to give it a shot; good luck!

  2. LookIsUr January 31, 2022 at 10:19 am |

    Yeah, this is amazing and it helps students with their university, it is very hard especially when you want to create a big business in future and you always think about how you can earn money or how you can get more from some small things and people start looking for reviews or blogs. For me, I always forget about my credits and loans and the money the government is giving to people. It is amazing but sometimes they need to have a credit alert plus to mesmerize that there is a possibility that they won’t pay back and it will really help them.

  3. vassapa March 26, 2022 at 2:02 pm |

    Many adults have a hard time understanding the importance of teaching math for kids. In fact, kids often develop early mathematical skills in their daily routines. For instance, they can learn about addition and subtraction from counting steps they take up and down a flight of stairs. This informal learning provides a great jump-start for formal instruction. Here are a few strategies for making math fun and easy for kids. Here are some ways to help your child build confidence with numbers.

  4. Monica Jack April 15, 2022 at 10:23 am |

    Hi, I am Monica Jack I really liked your post about Tips for Transfer Students. My child requires arithmetic instruction, but we have been unable to identify a qualified teacher to help him. I often look for such informative posts. Anyway, I was looking for a coursework writing service. I will also share this post with my friends. Thanks for sharing them.

  5. kopps April 22, 2022 at 11:21 am |

    There are several websites dedicated to math for kids that provide resources and free worksheets. The website NRICH, part of the University of Cambridge, has sections dedicated to young learners, primary school students (ages five to 11), and early years. Teachers can find a variety of resources for their own classes, including professional development resources and tasks that foster mathematical thinking. Another site dedicated to math for kids is Numbertime, a resource from the BBC, where children learn through animations, songs, and videos.

  6. krosna April 26, 2022 at 10:41 am |

    When it comes to math for kids, you don’t need to be a genius to make the lesson fun and engaging. Many games are designed specifically to develop math skills. Many of these games can be modified to focus on certain skills, such as ordering pairs, coordinate planes, or number sense. Games such as Battleship are a great way to introduce children to the math concepts of number sense and ordered pairs. If you’re having trouble getting your children to learn the concepts of addition and subtraction, download the free printable version of this game to get started.

  7. vassapa April 26, 2022 at 4:41 pm |

    In our educational system, math for kids is an integral part of the curriculum. Starting as early as the first months of life, children are exposed to numbers and alphabets. maths practices is a necessary skill for developing cognitive abilities and expanding learning potential. Although children cannot learn numbers verbally for long periods, they need to engage in fun, engaging activities in order to learn and retain the concepts. Here are some ideas that help kids learn math in an enjoyable and meaningful way.


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