
If you would like to receive an email of the latest MRAC Bulletin, please contact Kim Knoll.

2024-05-07 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the May 7, 2024 meeting is now available, along with the slides from the presentation:

MRAC Bulletin – May 7, 2024

The meeting originally scheduled for July 9th has been cancelled so the next regularly scheduled Council meeting will be September 17th – 2:00 p.m. at the DEC Offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754.

2024-02-06 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the February 6, 2024 meeting is now available:

MRAC Bulletin – February 6, 2024

Please note that the meeting originally scheduled for March 12th is being canceled so the next MRAC meeting will be April 9th at 2:00 p.m. at the DEC’s offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754. Our April meeting is typically our Legislative Review meeting.

2024-01-09 MRAC Bulletin

MRAC Bulletin – January 9, 2024

The next MRAC meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the DEC’s offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754.

2023-11-28 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the November 28, 2023 meeting is now available:

MRAC Bulletin – 11-28-23

The next MRAC meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the DEC’s offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754.

2023-09-12 MRAC Bulletin

MRAC Bulletin – 09-12-23

The next MRAC meeting will take place on November 28th, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the DEC’s offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754.

2023-06-07 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the June 7, 2023 meeting is now available:

MRAC Bulletin – June 7, 2023

The next MRAC meeting will take place on September 12, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the DEC’s offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754.

2023-03-07 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the March 7, 2023 meeting is now available:

MRAC Bulletin – March 7, 2023

The next MRAC meeting will be at 2:00PM tomorrow June 7, 2023 at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University in Endeavour Hall Room 120 .

2023-04-18 MRAC Bulletin

The May 16th meeting will be rescheduled on a date still to be determined.

When scheduled, the meeting will take place at the DEC’s offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754.

2022-11-15 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the November 15, 2022 meeting is now available:

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be  6:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 24, 2023.

The meeting is scheduled to take place at the DEC’s offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754.

2022-09-13 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the September 13, 2022 meeting is now available:

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be  2:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

The meeting is scheduled to take place at the DEC’s offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754.

2022-01-18 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the January 18, 2022 meeting and the DEC’s presentation are now available:

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be  2:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 8, 2022.  We are optimistic and plan on having our first in-person meeting since the pandemic, however, as we all know, that could change in a moment’s notice.  Please check back the morning of the meeting for the most up to date agenda and meeting status.

Currently, the meeting is scheduled to take place at the DEC’s newly constructed offices located at 123 Kings Park Boulevard, Kings Park – 11754.



2021-03-23 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the March 23rd meeting is now online.  The next Council Meeting is the legislative review on Tuesday, April 20th at 2:00 p.m. via webinar.

MRAC Bulletin – March 23, 2021

Should you have any problems opening the document or any of the included handouts, please let Kim Knoll know.

2020-05-19 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the May 19th meeting is now online.  The next Council Meeting is on Tuesday,14th at 6:00 p.m. via webinar.

May 19, 2020 MRAC Bulletin

Should you have any problems opening the document or any of the included handouts, please let Kim Knoll know.

2019-11-19 MRAC Bulletin

The MRAC Bulletin from the November 19th meeting is now online.  The next Council Meeting is on Tuesday, January 21st at 2:00 p.m. at the DEC Offices, 205 Belle Mead Road.

November 19, 2019 Bulletin

Should you have any problems opening the document or any of the included handouts, please let Kim Knoll know.

2018-09-24 MRAC Bulletin

Please find the Marine Resources Advisory Council bulletin from the September 24, 2018 meeting below. This was a meeting that primarily focused on MRIP data collection and a special presentation was given by Richard Cody. Please note that due to the overall largeness of the presentation, this has been provided as a separate document. Should you have any problems opening either document, please let Kim Knoll know.

The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13th at 2:00 p.m. at the DEC Offices.

MRAC Bulletin – 9-24-18
MRIP Presentation – meeting 9-24-18

2018-05-08 MRAC Bulletin

Attached are the bulletins from May 8th.  There are two – the first one is from the 2 pm meeting and the second one is from the 5 pm meeting.  Should you have any difficulties viewing any of the presentation pages, please contact Kim Knoll.

Please note that Tuesday, July 10th has been cancelled.  The focal point of the July 10th meeting was the MRIP data, which unfortunately is not yet available. The MRIP discussion will pick up at the September meeting.  Please remember the day and date were changed to accommodate the representative from MRIP.  The day/date is Monday, September 24th – 2:00 p.m.DEC Offices.

MRAC Bulletin – May 8, 2018 2pm
MRAC Bulletin – May 8, 2018 5pm

TEDs May 8 – 2018
5-8-2018 MRAC BSB draftII

2018-03-06 MRAC Bulletin

Attached please find the Marine Resources Advisory Council bulletin from the March 6th meeting. Attached also are the power points referenced in the bulletin along with the petition mentioned.

The next meeting of the Council will take place 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 17th at the DEC Offices, 205 Belle Mead Road, East Setauket. This will be the meeting dedicated to Legislative Review and the bill numbers will be posted to our website shortly.

2018-01-23 MRAC Bulletin

Attached please find the bulletin from the January 23, 2018 Marine Resources Advisory Council meeting. Also attached is a copy of the letters referred to during the meeting as well as the Power Point presentation by John Maniscalco. The presentation is embedded with the bulletin but it might be easier to read if printed separately.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, March 6th at 2:00 p.m. at the DEC Offices located at 205 Belle Mead Road, East Setauket. The agenda will be posted to Agenda page shortly.

MRAC Bulletin – January 23, 2018
Letters – Sean Barrett – Hank Lackner
January 2018 MRAC Meeting – J.M.