
B.S. in Biochemistry, Minor in Writing

Stony Brook University- 2011-present, Expected Graduation: 2015



Exploration of the many aspects that allow me to gain a better understanding of biochemical principles.

During my time in the university, I explored aspects of the biological sciences to hone in on an area of interest. It was in my immunology course that I realized how fascinated I was by molecular interactions. They may not be visible, but they still have a profound effect. My interest validated my decision to pursue a degree in biochemistry. As I gained theoretical experience through my coursework and practical experience through my research, I began to prepare myself for a career involving pharmaceuticals. You can view the relevant coursework here.


In addition to pursuing a degree that will provide me with scientific knowledge, I decided to take writing classes to enhance my communication skills. I am specifically interested in professional writing to learn how to share data and analysis. I have so far learned how to present to my target audience and ensure that I can effectively communicate my work with my colleagues. You can explore my path in developing skills towards my career in my professional autobiography.

Honors and Memberships:

As a recognition for my academic performance and presence on campus, I have attained membership in the Honors College, Sigma Beta Honor Society, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Golden Key International Honour Society, and National Residence Hall Honorary. In addition to maintaining a focus on my biochemistry and writing courses, I participate in service events and seminars on subjects outside of my major. You can read about each membership experience here.