Category Archives: Teaching

TurningPoint Cloud with Powerpoint for Mac – notice

Dear Valued Admin –

Turning Technologies released an update today for TurningPoint Cloud to support Microsoft Office 2016 Mac v15.25. Clients with this version of Microsoft Office were experiencing issues with TurningPoint’s PowerPoint Polling environment. This update resolves the previous issues to allow for a seamless experience with PowerPoint Polling.

To download the latest version, open TurningPoint Cloud and sign in. Click the TurningPoint logo at the bottom of the dashboard. In the popup window, click Check For Updates and click Install Update.

We thank you for your patience.

Please review full documentation for more information.

Turning Technologies

Short Form Storytelling in Virtual 3D – CDT450 – this spring

Sign up for this course if you are interested!  I think it is going to be a huge amount of fun, a great learning experience, and a wonderful time to bond with other fantastic SBU peers!


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Lightboards & You

Lightboards can also display figures to be marked up.

Lightboards can also display figures to be marked up.

If there is anything that makes me happy, it is when a new tech item actually fits into how education properly functions.  Last week, we finally pulled the trigger and ordered the manufacture of a Lightboard from the SoMAS Ocean Instrument Laboratory.

This is why a Lightboard is so awesome… it lets an instructor do what they already are great at… write on a surface (traditionally a chalk board or a white board) while explaining concepts, but facing towards the students. The reason that this works, is because we are going to record this to video – not teach in front of a live audience.  That way, you can point the camera into a mirror, or flip the video in post-production so that it is readable to the audience.


Interested in Data-Driven Instruction?

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You might be interested in the course:

Teaching Fundamentals: Data-Driven Instruction

with Riyaz Gayasaddin” where I grabbed this screen shot.

Here is a link that will work great for Stony Brook University faculty:

Exercise files include a great mastery spreadsheet template.

Also… have you used Item Analysis in Blackboard??  It is very very helpful:





Stony Brook’s 7th Annual Teaching & Learning Colloquium & Educational Technologies Expo

7th Annual Teaching & Learning Colloquium
& Educational Technologies Expo
Friday, April 17, 2015 | 8:30am to 3:00pm
Student Activities Center, Ballroom A
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY

Bryan Alexander

Bryan Alexander

Featuring keynote speaker Bryan Alexander

Dr. Alexander is an educational technology futurist, researcher, writer, speaker, consultant, and teacher,
working in the field of how technology transforms education.

He completed his English language and literature PhD at the University of Michigan in 1997.

Registration cost is $15 for Stony Brook attendees and $30 for non-SBU attendees

Agenda Friday, April 17, 2015
All events will be in the Student Activities Center

Time Session Room
8:30-9:30 Registration / Vendor Expo SAC Y Lobby /Ballroom A
9:30-10:30 Keynote: Bryan Alexander SAC Auditorium
10:30-11:00 Vendor Expo SAC Ballroom A
11:00-11:30 Breakout Session I SAC Rooms 302, 303, 304, 305
11:45-12:15 Breakout Session II SAC Rooms 302, 303, 304, 305
12:15-1:30 Lunch / Vendor Expo SAC Ballroom A
1:45-2:15 Breakout Session III SAC Rooms 302, 303, 304, 305
2:30-3:00 Breakout Session IV SAC Rooms 302, 303, 304, 305
3:00 Vendor Expo Ends SAC Ballroom A

Start Date

Friday, April 17, 2015 – 8:30am
End Date

Friday, April 17, 2015 – 3:00pm

Open Book Thoughts

These are clips from many different educators talking about the use of open book student assessments.

…more significantly would allow students to trade information with each other throughout the test in ways which would be extremely difficult to monitor.

“With new technologies, new cognitive possibilities arise. Educators need to create new activities when new technologies are introduced into the classroom. If the calculator is used to add 2+2, it is the capacities of the calculator that are solving the problem; when calculation is “off-loaded” onto the calculator, the student is free to solve more complex problems.” – Jenkins, 2009

classes have moved away from traditional tests and towards project based and/or essay based exams.

Gamify the test?

exam duration is set to match the time necessary to answer the questions, without much slack.

demonstrate mastery of their art through practice

“for today’s graduates into the digital age, possession of knowledge is far less important than the acquisition, analysis, and synthesis of that knowledge”.

Need to record video?

You have a few options for this.  You can reserve a room that has SBCapture built in, and let us know the schedule so I can setup the recording.  You need to use a mic when recording, so talk to the AV desk if you are unsure about that part.

You can record your lecture with a camera (or ipad/iphone), and get me the recording afterwards and I can publish it to your course. I have some courses that drop off camcorders and others that share files with me via Google Drive.  I even have one instructor that sends me the recordings created when using Doceri.

You can use personal capture at home or in the office to record them at your leisure and send the recordings to blackboard afterwards for all of your students to watch. Personal Capture records everything showing on your screen, video from your webcam and audio from a mic. Tell us about your recordings so that we can hook in the publishing options.

Coming Soon: One Button Studio.  A physical location, where students and instructors can go and with the push of a single button start recording in a well equipped mini studio.



Personal Capture request form:

Schedule single SBCapture recording:

Video Drop Off form:

Still shots of the video captured from each available room for room based capture in SBCapture (in addition to this video stream, students are also presented with the video feed of what is projected in the room):