These are clips from many different educators talking about the use of open book student assessments.
…more significantly would allow students to trade information with each other throughout the test in ways which would be extremely difficult to monitor.
“With new technologies, new cognitive possibilities arise. Educators need to create new activities when new technologies are introduced into the classroom. If the calculator is used to add 2+2, it is the capacities of the calculator that are solving the problem; when calculation is “off-loaded” onto the calculator, the student is free to solve more complex problems.” – Jenkins, 2009
classes have moved away from traditional tests and towards project based and/or essay based exams.
Gamify the test?
exam duration is set to match the time necessary to answer the questions, without much slack.
demonstrate mastery of their art through practice
“for today’s graduates into the digital age, possession of knowledge is far less important than the acquisition, analysis, and synthesis of that knowledge”.
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