Tag Archives: reuse

Reusing Echo360 content

There are two different ways of sharing echo360 content in Blackboard, and therefore two different ways to reuse the content as well.

Most instructors at SBU currently link to their echo360 videos via LTI links.  This has been the only way in the past to get the analytics that you needed, give the students the active learning tools and also automatically post new scheduled recordings as they happen throughout the semester.  Using the LTI link is the process where you are going to a content area where you want the videos to be placed, selecting “Build Content -> Echo Cloud”.

When reusing the LTI link in a course you have copied from a previous semester, you will want to go to where the link was made (it will still be there), click on that link and reconnect it.


The second way and previously feature sparse method (but this has been rapidly changing!), is to embed the echo360 content into any area of your site that gives you the ability to use the Bb text editor.  You can embed content using the wysiwyg editor using the button : “Add Content -> Echo360 Video Library”. It looks like a plus sign in a circle and is the last button on the bottom right.

When you have embedded content and you run a course copy, the video will still work without further tweaking.  It is for this reason, and because echo360 has been working hard to bring all the features to the embed model that already exist in the LTI links, that we will be suggesting using embed going forward (at least, as soon as playlists are up and running and that could even happen this week).




Two Ways to Recycle Older Echo360 Content for Online Usage

If you were the primary instructor for a course within Echo360 for a prior semester’s recordings, you can easily reuse those recordings for this semester.

First option:  Just put the entire semester into this semester’s blackboard.

You will want to login to Blackboard, go to the course area that you want your link with Echo360 to appear (typically some content folder) and “Build Content” -> “Echo Cloud”.

Now give the link a name. This may be something like “Course Videos”, “Video Lectures”, etc.

Click “Submit”.

You now click on that link you just made.

Connect your Echo360 Content

Select the Term, Course and Section that your want to reuse from.


Now Click the lighter blue button that says “Link Content”

The entire list of videos from the older class will now appear for your students.

Option 2:

Curate the videos that you want your students to use from your Echo360 Library.

For this, you will login to echo36.org with your netid and password.  [If you are not currently using Echo360 for your current course, first make a link to the section you’re teaching now by following these directions and then come back to these directions. Alternatively, contact tlt_its@stonybrook.edu for assistance in creating the section.]

Select the tab “My Content”

Hover over the video you want to use, and “…” will appear in the lower right, select “Share”.

from the Share Settings screen you will find many ways of sharing the video.  We are going to use the “Class” option.

Select the current course that you want this video to be loaded into. Select New Class, name the topic of the class, the date that you expect them to view it, describe it if you want, and make decisions about when you want the video to be available to view.

Do this for all of the videos that you want in your blackboard site.  When you check the link you created in the blackboard site, you will see all the videos you chose listed.