Tag Archives: SBCapture

Requesting a SBCapture recording

SBCapture is used for different purposes on campus and we have a few different mechanisms for turning on Echo360 for your course.

Most common:
You want regularly scheduled recording throughout most if not all of the semester.

In this case, you will want to fill out this form:  https://docs.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/forms/d/16EifqVp3kAsiBHKoIaGX7OGtKE2v_oGfAz5o2maU0hY/viewform

One time recordings:
Maybe you have a guest speaker coming to your class that you want to capture, or you are holding a review outside of regular class hours – fill out this form:

Personal Capture:
You want to upload your own video or use the echo360 personal capture application to record videos for your course. Then fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/forms/d/1QlkXe31SyGVHoDjfEULIQ89u2TMoX96cr5fOP4z_cBc/viewform

Media Injest:
If you are dropping off video to be uploaded into the echocenter for your course (only materials that you have permission to use please): This is your form.  https://docs.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/forms/d/1ZwB-k40UeEFeJpwu-kLuBe4sZ3Bg_UK3G06EFEZXMMU/viewform

Need to record video?

You have a few options for this.  You can reserve a room that has SBCapture built in, and let us know the schedule so I can setup the recording.  You need to use a mic when recording, so talk to the AV desk if you are unsure about that part.

You can record your lecture with a camera (or ipad/iphone), and get me the recording afterwards and I can publish it to your course. I have some courses that drop off camcorders and others that share files with me via Google Drive.  I even have one instructor that sends me the recordings created when using Doceri.

You can use personal capture at home or in the office to record them at your leisure and send the recordings to blackboard afterwards for all of your students to watch. Personal Capture records everything showing on your screen, video from your webcam and audio from a mic. Tell us about your recordings so that we can hook in the publishing options.

Coming Soon: One Button Studio.  A physical location, where students and instructors can go and with the push of a single button start recording in a well equipped mini studio.



Personal Capture request form:


Schedule single SBCapture recording:


Video Drop Off form:


Still shots of the video captured from each available room for room based capture in SBCapture (in addition to this video stream, students are also presented with the video feed of what is projected in the room):

Using TED-Ed to re-envision massively online or flipped courses

Dr. Margaret Schedel had wanted to flip her classroom before the whole MOOC concept starting sweeping SBU, so it seemed like a plan to try not only flipping her class, not only by recording the standard lectures and using class time to work on the hands-on parts of computational arts, but also by making those lectures open to a wider audience using Coursera. This allowed for a massive group of students to synchronously go through the class with her own face to face students.  Grading is accomplished through simple computer grading assessments and through peer assessments of larger projects. A large amount of student interaction is accomplished via forums.

Changing things up a bit, we thought we would now try to take those same videos and put them through the “create a lesson” process of TED-Ed. These lessons go up into the wild as asynchronous content – though a class can still assign them to be completed according to whatever schedule is chosen. The world still has access.  They have computer graded assessments built in – that can bring you back to the video for a video hint if you get the answer wrong. It also has discussion forums, to interact with the instructor or other students. Here is the first lesson that we put together based on the week 10 set of videos:

Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 11.04.09 AM

An instructor can create lessons like these, using any youtube video. This is really powerful.


Snow Days – Personal Capture time!

Are you over the snow?  It’s been a white winter, that’s for sure!

More importantly are you teaching a course where you really need all of those pesky lecture hours? Do you know what online courses do when it snows really bad?  They keep going.  We have the technology so that you can keep going to!  I’m going to share a trick with you that will let you “flip” those snow days. (Flipping is when you listen to the lecture at home, and do active learning/group work/homework in the classroom.)

Do you have a SBCapture account?  Yes?  Go here: https://echoserver.sinc.stonybrook.edu 

Now go to the Downloads tab, and grab personal capture for the OS that you prefer. (Your choices are Win and OSX – don’t go getting all RaspPi on me!)

This software allows you to capture the video from your screen, audio from your mic and optionally, the video from a webcam.  This way you can sit in front of your computer and give your lecture.  There are simple edit capabilities, you can pause the recording in the middle and directly load the finished product straight into Blackboard.

Unless you are already using SBCapture for room based capture this semester, you will need to drop me a line so that I can make the appropriate hooks on the backend between SBCapture and Blackboard, but that is simple enough.  Same goes for if you don’t already have an SBCapture account – just let me know, and I’ll set everything up.

FORM to request Personal Capture

Here is an example of what an end result looks like using Personal Capture:

Sample of Personal Capture

(In this case the webcam was setup to the side… yours might be a tight shot of your face.)

I hope that you find this, and find it helpful!