DuckDuckGo’s new private way to use AI

Anonymous access to popular AI models, including GPT-3.5, Claude 3, and open-source Llama 3 and Mixtral.


click on image to go to chat interface




‘DuckDuckGo AI Chat is an anonymous way to access popular AI chatbots – currently, Open AI’s GPT 3.5 Turbo, Anthropic’s Claude 3 Haiku, and two open-source models (Meta Llama 3 and Mistral’s Mixtral 8x7B), with more to come. This optional feature is free to use within a daily limit, and can easily be switched off.

  • Chats are private, anonymized by us, and are not used for any AI model training.
  • Find DuckDuckGo AI Chat at, on your search results page under the Chat tab, or via the !ai and !chat bang shortcuts. They all take you to the same place.
  • Improvements are already on the way. Our roadmap includes adding more chat models and browser entry points. We’re also exploring a paid plan for access to higher daily usage limits and more advanced models.”


Read more here

Brightspace March updates

As with the February Brightspace release, the March 2024 release is also on the smaller side, however, I did want to highlight 2 of the items in the update here. This release is scheduled to be deployed on the evening of March 14th, 2024. The full release notes can be found here:

The two features highlighted in this email do not require any updates to permissions or enabling of variables.

Brightspace Editor – Consistent link creation with the ability to choose link format:


Inserting a link into the Brightspace Editor opens the Add Link dialog, allowing users to determine if their links open in a new window (default) or in the current window, as well as to add text to their link. This provides users with a consistent workflow and control over how links respond in their content.

Add Link opens when inserting links with the context menu or with the keyboard shortcut ctrl+K or command+K:

Additionally, the dialog includes a new Insert Quicklink option, allowing for users to insert a Quicklink:

[Note: a quicklink is a link to another location in your course and it will not break if you copy it forward to other courses.]

The same Link, Text, and Open In options are displayed whether adding a Link or Quicklink, which helps ensure a consistent link creation workflow:

Finally – this feature updates the icons shown in the Insert Quicklink menu so that they all have the same visual style.

In summary, previously, adding links had different field options and behaviors based on how the link was being added to the course. This updates makes the adding link menus consistent across all areas where this can be done.

I encourage you to read the full release notes for this specific update, located here:

Quizzes – Improved experience for generating quiz reports:

This release introduces a better experience for instructors when running and exporting quiz reports with large amounts of data:

  1. As an instructor, select a Quiz inManage Quizzes> Statistics.
  2. Select one of the tabs on the top of the page:3. After selecting the desired tab, click either Export option (CSV or Excel)

Upon doing this, a new window appears with a message indicating that the report is being generated:

4. When the report is done being generated, users will be alerted via the Bell icon. Clicking the alert will bring them to the screen to download the report.

Previously, clicking either export button would open a new window and depending on the size of the report, it could hang, freeze or even time-out altogether. This new method of report generation prevents this from happening.

A note about Brightspace updates:

Brightspace uses a Continuous Delivery model for monthly updates and SUNY is part of “Wave 3” on the update schedule. Please see this Wave Schedule for the date range of when an update will be deployed: Current, past and future release notes can also be located in the sidebar of this page.

Echo360 e3 Tech Grant Program

We are currently accepting applications

Now is your opportunity to lead the future of inspired learning with Echo360, we are currently accepting applications for 2024.

Echo360 e3 Tech Grants will award up to 20 recipients with cash or software grants US $2,000 in cash or up to $5,000 in software in each of the program’s two categories:


EchoImpact Grants:   For partners already using an Echo360 solution.

Join a small group of your peers to support adoption of Echo360 at your institution. Instructors, researchers and central staff interested in improving learner outcomes with Echo360 are encouraged to apply.

Each winning application will receive –

  • US $2,000 in cash to support a project of their choice.
  • Full funding to join their peers in a 2 day on-site workshop (inc. flights, meals and accommodation) to discuss the adoption of Echo360 at their institution.


EchoInnovation Grants: providing software solutions to help teachers and trainers develop innovative practices that improve learning engagement. Each winning application will be able to use Echo360’s interactive software up to the value of US $5,000 from the following products: EchoVideo, EchoAuthor, EchoEngage or EchoExam.  Please note: for some software options, organizational IT and Administration must provide access for integrations to ensure full access to the platforms are available.

January 17: Launch of e3 Tech Grants Program
March 22: Applications close
April 1: Grant recipients notified
April 17-18: EMEA EchoImpact Grants Workshop
May 7-8: APAC EchoImpact Grants Workshop
October 2024: North America Grants Workshop (dates TBD)

For questions, please contact Alison Maloney, Director Echo360 Professional Learning