I saw this on a list serve today and thought I would share. Peer review can be so beneficial to students, and can also be of service to extra large classes when paired with a robust rubric.
Peer Review with Google Forms and Sheets
1: Assign each student a random number; make sure they can see it (text column in gradebook). <- this was for anonymous review
2: Create a Google Form to collect feedback in. Populate the form with survey-style questions mirroring your grading rubric.
3: Set up an Assignment in the LMS for the students to upload their papers; be sure to have them only sign it with their assigned number for anonymity.
4: Download the essays and save them as .pdf files named with the assignment and number (ex: 5678 PR 1 for student number 5678’s first peer review essay).
5: Create a Peer Review 1 folder in Google Drive and drag all the .pdf essays into it.
6: Create a Google Sheet with columns for the student numbers and for the numbers on the essays they are assigned to review:
7: Students input review scores and comments; instructor does the same using a recognizable number such as “9999”.
8: Once the deadline has passed, sort the results sheet by student number, calculate averages, triple-check for anonymity, and share the form (“read only”). (This formatting takes time but is still better/easier/more efficient than the Bb Peer Review tool, and free.)
9: Enter scores in gradebook.
“It’s labor-intensive but the students benefit from seeing all the feedback”
credit to Judith Littlejohn from SUNY Genesee Community College.