Echo360 Community,
We are writing to inform you of upcoming changes to how you can organize and share content in Echo360. These changes will improve the ability to share content with others, organize shared and personal content, and find content in your Library.
What is changing?
The upcoming changes involve three key components, which are explained below:
- The Groups feature will be renamed Collections
- Collections will be added to the Library
- The existing class collection feature on the section homepage will be renamed to “Class Group” to avoid confusion
All current Groups capabilities will be available in Collections and new capabilities will be rolled out in future releases, making Collections a more powerful way of sharing and organizing content than is currently available.
In the current user interface, Groups is a separate tab, accessed in the top navigation as shown below.

When Groups is renamed to Collections, users will see their Collections on the Library tab as well as on a separate Collections tab, as seen below.

Also, the feature that allows the instructor to create collections of classes inside an Echo360 Section will be renamed Class Groups as shown in the image below. This will reduce confusion with the new Collections feature, as shown in the image below.

Why is this feature changing?
By renaming Groups to Collections, it will be clearer that this feature offers a way to organize content as well as to share it with others. Collections can be used by individuals to organize content in their libraries without the need to share it. When a Collection is shared, the new structure will make it easier for users to find content that has been shared with them without the need to navigate to a separate tab.
We will be building out the capabilities and permissions for content shared in Collections going forward and this name will make more sense for the new capabilities that are planned.
How does this affect users?
This change doesn’t remove any existing capabilities and should make new capabilities easier to implement into content management workflows. Other than adapting to a new name, the primary impact of this change is that users will no longer need to navigate to a separate tab to find shared or organized content.
When will this change happen?
At this time, we anticipate this change to be implemented in our first deployment of 2022, on 11-12 January 2022.
What do you need to do?
This change will be pushed automatically and there will be on-screen orientation to explain the changes. To better prepare your users, you may want to provide them with advanced notification. Please feel free to share this email and/or the screen shots in your communications.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Echo360 representative.
All the best,
Echo360 Team