Category Archives: Teaching

Auto Grade Large Class Submissions

For this tutorial we will look at how to auto grade a very large class, after they have completed a blackboard assignment submission.

This is the scenario I am envisioning, and hopefully it will give you some ideas of how you could use this for your large class.  A large lecture Chemistry class has just received a problem to solve on paper.  Perhaps they have to show covalent bonds or something of that nature, but the real important thing is that they are producing a hand made image (could be from there touch device too) and they are going to send a screenshot or photo of their sketch to the instructor via blackboard. The instructor, wants to grade them for their participation in this activity.

So first step is to create the assignment. 

Login to Blackboard with your NetID and password. Go into your course and then to your content area where you have your assignments listed.  Create the assignment:

Use the Assessments pull down menu and select Assignment.

Give it a name and clearly tell the student what you want them to do – including that you want them to submit back to you this file with the drawing.

The student clicks on the assignment, and clicks Browse My Computer to upload the drawing.

They see this Review Submission History:

If the student clicks on the SUBMISSION link, they can view their masterpiece:

Now.. you have gotten your hundreds of sketches back through the assignment and it is time to grade them.

Go to the Grade Center and click on the Full Grade Center. Now click Work Offline -> Download.

Set the download to Selected Column

Set  Delimiter Type to Tab for OSX  and to Comma for Windows
Set Include Hidden Information to Yes

Click Submit

Click Download

Open with your favorite spreadsheet program.  Every student who submitted a file in response to your assignment will have the words “Needs Grading” in the spreadsheet. Those that did not submit the assignment will be blank.  Find and replace “Needs Grading” throughout the spreadsheet with the point value of the assignment.  In this case my point value will be 5. 

Now we save the file – keeping either tab or comma delimited as indicated when you downloaded the file.  Go back to Blackboard and back to the Work Offline menu, selecting Upload

Browse My Computer for the file. (I have a Mac, so mine is a .tsv file)

Click Submit

Now in your grade center, every student that had Needs Grading, now has a 5.  





Two Ways to Recycle Older Echo360 Content for Online Usage

If you were the primary instructor for a course within Echo360 for a prior semester’s recordings, you can easily reuse those recordings for this semester.

First option:  Just put the entire semester into this semester’s blackboard.

You will want to login to Blackboard, go to the course area that you want your link with Echo360 to appear (typically some content folder) and “Build Content” -> “Echo Cloud”.

Now give the link a name. This may be something like “Course Videos”, “Video Lectures”, etc.

Click “Submit”.

You now click on that link you just made.

Connect your Echo360 Content

Select the Term, Course and Section that your want to reuse from.


Now Click the lighter blue button that says “Link Content”

The entire list of videos from the older class will now appear for your students.

Option 2:

Curate the videos that you want your students to use from your Echo360 Library.

For this, you will login to with your netid and password.  [If you are not currently using Echo360 for your current course, first make a link to the section you’re teaching now by following these directions and then come back to these directions. Alternatively, contact for assistance in creating the section.]

Select the tab “My Content”

Hover over the video you want to use, and “…” will appear in the lower right, select “Share”.

from the Share Settings screen you will find many ways of sharing the video.  We are going to use the “Class” option.

Select the current course that you want this video to be loaded into. Select New Class, name the topic of the class, the date that you expect them to view it, describe it if you want, and make decisions about when you want the video to be available to view.

Do this for all of the videos that you want in your blackboard site.  When you check the link you created in the blackboard site, you will see all the videos you chose listed.




Providing a Google Web Conferencing Solution that Includes Phone Support [cross post from the Academic Technology Services blog]

The web conferencing solution given here will work from the Google Apps that you are already familiar with.  We will start in the Calendar App.

Create a new Event.

Give it a name.

click on Add rooms, Location or conferencing

Then click on “Add conferencing”

This will immediately give you a Join Hangouts Meet link and the URL is seen below that link.

Use the chevron to it’s left to see more information

Now… you can see a phone number and meeting room PIN that you can also provide to your class. (Do not use the number or URL shown above. Use your own.)

Rather than try to invite your whole class under Add Guests… take this information and get it to your student via Blackboard or email. Just provide them with the URL, phone number, date and time.

Google Hangouts Meet will handle up to 250 participants in a single room.

You can record too as of 3/10/20.  

that is found under the …  in the lower right part of the screen.


Creating new sections in Echo360

You may want to need to create a new section in Echo360 if you have need to store videos and/or power points for a course, but have not used Echo360 so far this semester.


To create a new section in Echo360, we will want to login to Blackboard, go to the course area that you want your link with Echo360 to appear (typically some content folder) and “Build Content” -> “Echo Cloud”.

Now give the link a name. This may be something like “Course Videos”, “Video Lectures”, etc.

Click “Submit”.

You now click on that link you just made.

Connect your Echo360 Content

Select the Term, Select your Course, and then select “Create a New Section”.

Enter the Section Number in the form 01, 02 etc.

Description is optional

Click Save

Now Click the lighter blue button that says “Link Content”

You can now begin to upload content to your course for this section by clicking New Class.  A Class is going to be the day that you want the students to view the content. You select the date first and then after that Class is created you can upload associated content by click on the plus sign in that row. Content can be videos, or powerpoint type presentations.


Heat Maps are back in Echo360

This used to be a feature in the old echo360 locally hosted service that we had, and now due to popular demand, it has returned.

Heat Maps are visual indicators that show the instructor what parts of the classroom recording the students are watching the most.

To look at your heat map for a specific video, you would want to login to, then go to your content, find a video you are interested in and clicking on it to open the details page. 

You can lay the heat map on top of the video by clicking on the button in the bottom right as seen above.  The higher the graph spikes upwards, the more students watched that particular part of the video.



Have a used clicker?

Some used clickers are coming from classroom kits where, because they are used differently than we do here at SBU, have had their clicker IDs changed and they no longer match the ID printed on the back on the device.  This will result in your course results not processing correctly.

To check to see if you device ID is set correctly…


press the wrench button
then the go right button twice
press the button under where it says OK
press under OK one more time
You should see Device ID: and whatever the device is set to will show here.
see if that matches what is on the back, printed on the clicker.

IF IT DOES NOT MATCH;  please email   

After contacting Susan, follow her instructions to have this resolved.





New Feature to Help Students Get Registered Correctly in TurningPoint

You may find that some of your students have not properly registered their clicker licenses (AKA Subscriptions) and others may not have successfully made an account at all with Turning.

An easy way for you to reach out to these students is to use the new email feature in TurningPoint.  To do this, launch the software, and go to the Manage tab.  Then, select your course on the left panel so it is highlighted.

in the upper right corner is the envelope icon.

On the top right, there will be a little envelope icon.  Click that, and it will give you options to reach out to your students.   Do not check the Clicker ID box as students using mobile devices will get a message telling them they need to add a clicker ID.  But, do check the Subscription and Create Account boxes and then click Send.  Students who need to just add a subscription will get instructions to do so, and students who need to create an account will get the appropriate instructions as well.