and From Turning Technologies

Take advantage of our free webinars!

Most instructors use TurningPoint as a quick and simple way to connect with students and support active learning. However, there is much more to TurningPoint, and you could be missing out.


Join us for a free webinar! Our experts will walk you through TurningPoint’s more advanced features so that you can be sure you are getting the most out of our software.

This webinar is perfect for individuals who are using basic multiple-choice questions and want to expand their use of the software. Learn such things as incorporating competitions, demographics, pre/post assessment and much more!
Thursday, December 7th at 2:00 PM EST

Are you interested in learning how TurningPoint can increase engagement and retention? Do you want to turn your current PowerPoints into interactive presentations? Join us for a 60-minute session that will teach you the basics of the software and how to quickly get up and running.
Wednesday, December 13th at 3:00 PM EST

Find out how to create TurningPoint questions that motivate and stimulate new learning, appropriately measure learning objectives, reinforce fundamental knowledge, sharpen reasoning skills and enhance quality control.
Thursday, December 14th at 2:00 PM EST


From echo360…

We are excited to announce that our support, documentation, and training resource site is now live with a single unified experience in our new Echo360 Resource Center!

The Resource Center was built with our institutions and our users in mind – whether you are an instructor, student or administrator, we’ve got a new and improved experience for you.


  • Improved Portal Login for Administrators
  • Easier-to-Find Content
  • Critical System Status

Check out this quick demo that showcases the exciting highlights.

Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 12.36.22 PM.png

What this means for you?

We are going to keep the legacy site ( and the Resource Center running in parallel until the end of January.  Many of our partner institutions have linked content from to internal help desk or vendor support sites within their institution.  Those links will need to be updated and relinked to the Resource Center.

We look forward to delivering you and your Echo360 user community a better experience.


Echo360 Academic Partnerships Team

Missing Clicker Grade? Check this:

I have written about this before, but the clicker looks different, so I thought it was worth going over again.

There are two different ways that a student can use a clicker to send information to the instructor.  The first is the normal use of the clicker in the classroom… the poll response.  When a student uses this, the screen looks like this,

And when the student answers, they get a confirmation that the answer was received, and as long as the poll was given some grade, they may also get points in their blackboard grade book.

The second thing that students can send with their clickers are Messages.  The student enters into this mode by pressing the wrench button on the clicker,

and then sending the message

The student also gets a happy confirmation that this has been sent.. and messages can only be sent when the polls are open. But there are no grades or points associated with this activity, and if they believe they have answered a poll, they will get a zero.

As the instructor, you can check to see if this is happening in your class by opening the TurningPoint 8 software, go to the Manage tab, select a session file and click on Reports.

If you, like me get this error – ignore it

just click ok

and use the pulldown to select the report type Session Log


If you see entries that look like:

“Doe, John (8D5678) sent a message to the presenter: D”

You have students that think they are answering polls, but are really sending messages.  If you see things like:

“Doe, John (8D5678) sent a message to the presenter: Can you talk more about Mitosis?”

You have students who are sending messages, thinking you will see them and respond.

If you would like to see messages during class – you can.

You can click on the button as seen above that looks like a comic dialog bubble..  and that brings up a chat area that looks like this:

I hope this helps, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to either TLT @ or Turning Technologies at


Adobe Connect addin giving you grief?

You can try downloading the newest version

to force the session to open in the browser instead of the addin:
to the end of the URL

Looking to buy a clicker or clicker license?

You have two official paths to choose from.

The campus store where clickers and licenses are now available at Shop Red West in the Melville library, Shop Red East in Level 2, Room 310 of Health Sciences and Seawolves MarketPlace at the Student Activities Center (SAC). Which has these prices:

Clicker w/ 1-year subscription –> $76.00
Clicker w/ 5-year subscription –> $108.00
1-Year Subscription ONLY –> $39.98
5-Year Subscription ONLY –> $74.98

The nice thing about this option is that you walk out with a clicker or license and don’t have to worry about waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

Or you can get them directly from Turning Technologies.  You can get to the SBU Turning Technologies store by going into your account (inside Blackboard, in your course , then  Tools -> Turning Account Registration and then click through till you see something that says purchase subscription or purchase clicker. These are the current prices:

Clicker w/ 1-year subscription –> $53.98
Clicker w/ 5-year subscription –> $77.98
1-term Subscription ONLY–> $17.99
1-Year Subscription ONLY –> $24.99
5-Year Subscription ONLY –> $48.99
Clicker ONLY –> $32.99
If you get a clicker, you have a minimum shipping (from my test) of $7.80 and licenses get directly applied to your account (so no risk of typos) and incur no shipping charges.



Single Sign On is now Enabled for Turning Technologies

Now you don’t have to remember a separate sign on anymore!  Yay!!!

The email you use for your username must be your email.

The login page can be reached here:   or from your blackboard course site, under Tools -> Turning Account Registration (clickers)




Organizing your course files in echo360

echo360 has added so many features to its cloud based platform, that it starts to resemble a light learning management system (LMS).  Today, I want to show you how to organize your files inside of echo360.

The original usage for echo360 at SBU was for classroom based capture.  Essentially we would schedule room recordings that would grab the video from a camera in the room, the video as was projected on the screen by the instructor in the room, and the audio from the room.  This would typically produce a list of videos, that grew as the semester went on.  Not a lot to organize there.

Now however, every user gets a library in the cloud.  This is where your learning documents will go, in addition to any room based captures you may have.  It takes the following files:

Mainly, videos, pdfs, audio, and power points.

To get content there, select UPLOAD CONTENT

It allows you to grab these files from a few different locations… or just drag and drop them.

If you have selected a file it likes, it will process the file and eventually it will be listed and happy in your Library.

Assuming you now want to have them show up for your students, keep following along here.

Next you will click on the file in your Library and you will see the file in the top part of the window and three sections in the lower part, labeled INFO, PUBLISHING and SHARING.

Click on PUBLISHING and then the blue button “PUBLISH”

Select To a course – Use the pull down menu to pick a course and the second pull down to select the section

and when you select New Class  the ability to name the file comes up as seen below

BREAK — terminology alert!  in echo360 speak, a “class” is sorta the same as a lesson – or in this case, stand alone document.  The existing class option, will bind the file to an existing recording for a particular day.  Likewise, “Class name” should just be a descriptive name of the file.

ok.  Now that the file has been published to the correct course, we can organize this further for your students (and possibly your own personal sanity.)

Here is what my list of files looks like in the test course.  It’s fine, there aren’t a lot of them, so it isn’t very messy.

Oh – wait, here is another terminology alert! NEW GROUP… equals “New Folder”.   It comes with a functionality alert… if you delete a folder filled with stuff…. the stuff just gets unsorted and shows up in the main list again.

So I will pretend I want to make a Lesson 1 folder and a PDFs folder.  I click on NEW GROUP

name the file… write a description if I want, and click OK. I’m doing this twice for the two new folders. Now my list includes those two new folders.

To put my files into those folders, I first click on REORDER

That puts blue dashed lines around all the items and they can be dragged around.

I’ve dragged them into the folders and now I have to click SAVE

This slightly terrifying warning pops up


Click OK

and now everything is neat and organized.

And the Award for Most Frequently Asked Question on the 2-2777 Line Goes too….

“I need to add “So N. So” to my class as a TA (or some other role).  How can I do this?”

Really, I would have thought it would be something more difficult; but it turns out that this is common enough and just barely tricky enough, that it merits lots of support calls.

Let’s walk through it.

  1. Login to Blackboard and enter the course that you want to add the user to.
  2. Go to “Users and Groups

3. Expand “Users and Groups

4. Click on “Users
5. Hover over Enroll User and click on “Find Users to Enroll

6. Click on Browse

This opens this window:

7. I’m going to guess you might not know their username, but you probably know their email (which is also unique – remember, names are not unique). SO….  Use the pull down menu right after the word Search to set to email, leave contains, and click go after typing the first part of their email address into the search field. (exp. jennifer.adams)

8. Check the box next to their name and click “Submit

9. Pick the role that you want them to have in the course… in this case I’ve picked Teaching Assistant, and click Submit.

And that is it!  I’m going to remove Dr. Stanley from this course now.


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