Google Drive tidbit

You may have a bunch of files that you want to share with your class.  Are they a bit on the larger side?  Perhaps it will make some servers happier if you store them in Google Drive rather than directly into your Blackboard course site.  (Think a semester’s worth of videos.)

So, then – how do you share them with your students in such a way that they can’t be downloaded?  (I’m not saying that allowing students to download the videos is a bad thing.  Downloading can make it easier for offline consumption of the material – like while on an airplane or other low access areas like southern Maryland.)

The first part of this process makes perfect sense.  We want to be organized, so we create a folder for the content.  You created the folder and that makes you the owner.

Next, you share the folder. If you double click on the folder, it will open, leaving you with a screen that shows it’s path at the top.

Clicking on the name of the folder (you did name it, right?)  Will reveal a drop down menu:

Select “Share…”

See that tiny font in the lower right corner… it says “Advanced” — click that.

Then there are owner settings at the bottom.  Please check off “Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people.”   This will help prevent some headaches later if you give someone access higher than what you really wanted.


Now – add your students.  I’ll show you want I do, but you might have a easier way.  Feel free to comment below.

Go to your Blackboard course site, and go to “Users and Groups”

Open Users.

Show All  in the lower right, and sort by columns by “Row” (this will lump the Instructors, Teaching Assistants and SLN Help Desk people at the top and bottom of a list of all your students.


Drag your cursor to highlight all of the student emails on the page and copy them to your clipboard (command C).  This unfortunately grabs other columns as well that include usernames and other information that we don’t need, but that isn’t so bad.

Next, paste this into an empty spreadsheet.  I use Numbers.  Make sure all the emails are in the same column, my very first row usually has the email in the wrong column, so I paste it into the right one.  Then I delete all the non email columns, select all and copy the one column that is left that has the emails. (Yes you can probably select all of that one column without deleting the others… but like I said, this is just what I do.)

Now with the emails on your clipboard go back to your Sharing Settings of the folder, and paste them into the “Invite people:” text box.

Even if there are hundreds of addresses, this should be fine, though you may need to let google think on it for a bit.

Make sure you aren’t giving them the keys to the kingdom…   and select “Can view only”

Next, add the files.

You may think you are done.  After all, you said they can “view only.” Viewing is viewing and downloading is something else right, so it shouldn’t be able to be done if you can only view.  Not true in Google Drive.

For each file that you have loaded into the folder, we need to back into that sharing settings.  We get to it in a slightly different way.  Highlight the file by clicking it once.  After it is highlighted, some more tool icons show up in the upper right.  Pick the one that looks like a person with a plus sign.

Click Advanced again.


There is a new option!  Make sure “Disable options to download, print, and copy for commenters and viewers” is checked.

Now, do that for every file in your folder.  You are done!


** (Note that your students can still screen capture your videos and share them with whomever they want if they are really determined. That is just what people do. If you lock a door, it just makes people more determined to get inside.)





announcement links 3:10 PM 3:11 PM 3:11 PM 3:12 PM 3:12 PM 3:13 PM 3:14 PM 3:14 PM

Open SUNY COTE Community Meeting – notes 4/11

Tools & Apps – ipads (Heather O’Brian presenting)

Planbook  —
idoceo —
Explain Everything – students use the app to create presentations and reflections for class.  Of course instructors can use to to create as well.

Showbie – assignment hand ins.

nearpod – lesson creation

symbalooEDU – link management and sharing (can be embedded into blackboard)

blendspace – digital content collection tool – students use this to create their own collection that goes into their eportfolio.

Next – Sophia Georgiakaki from Tompkins-Cortland Community College

MyOpenMath   —    looks like an LMS

Next – Paul Seeburger, Monroe Community College

online lecture components:
Lecture Videos – used camptasia with TOC
OER Textbook – problems and readings aligned to lecture videos
WeBWork online homework –
Graded Written Assignments and quizzes – submitted as a single pdf

online visualization tool .. direction fields and calcplot3d

graded online discussions
student video presentations (typically between 3-8 minutes) – they are posted to a course wiki – the videos help build community, and serve as a tool for review. they are required to watch and respond to each others videos.  Sometimes he uses student videos in future teaching.

includes time estimates for each component within Blackboard






Could your next TA be an A.I.?

At the Coursera Partner’s conference that I recently attended in Boulder, CO; one of the speakers was Ashok Goel from Georgia Tech.  He got up on stage and spoke of his experiences using an A.I. agent as a teaching assistant, side by side with human teaching assistants, unbeknownst to the students in the course.  There were wonderful stories and you can read some of these here at this link.

But I’m at a conference about massively scaled courses.  So, the obvious tie in is the concept of scaling the instructors (I mean TAs – cough.)  I think the truly interesting part will be when content experts and A.I.s start to have in depth discussions with one another about the subjects.  Hopefully there will be recordings!



Has stuff stopped working in your browser?

UPDATE:  the chrome://plugins area has been deprecated.  Use this link now:



I was having more and more trouble as time went on with some features in echo360’s editing area.  It sends an error complaining about flash not being new enough… but I knew I had the newest one installed…  very frustrating.  I know that Apple and Adobe don’t always get along – especially when it comes to Flash, so I just went with it for a bit.  But hey – turns out that there is an actual solution, and it isn’t in the apple preferences, it’s in the browser preferences.

The other fun bit, is you can’t just pull down a normal settings menu and expect to find this… you have to type into the URL field:  chrome://plugins  to get to these preferences.

All fixed!



TEDxSBU tickets now available!

This will be the 4th annual TEDxSBU event.  I’m really glad that everyone enjoys these talks and performances so much!  People have been inquiring for months now about when they can get their tickets.


The tickets are finally available to be purchased here:

I can’t wait to see you!


TurningPoint Cloud with Powerpoint for Mac – notice

Dear Valued Admin –

Turning Technologies released an update today for TurningPoint Cloud to support Microsoft Office 2016 Mac v15.25. Clients with this version of Microsoft Office were experiencing issues with TurningPoint’s PowerPoint Polling environment. This update resolves the previous issues to allow for a seamless experience with PowerPoint Polling.

To download the latest version, open TurningPoint Cloud and sign in. Click the TurningPoint logo at the bottom of the dashboard. In the popup window, click Check For Updates and click Install Update.

We thank you for your patience.

Please review full documentation for more information.

Turning Technologies

Article from our IT page about new MOOC


oh look - it's me...

oh look – it’s me…

Complete article…

On August 8, 2016, Stony Brook University will launch its new Coursera program on Global Health Diplomacy. In this seven week course, students will be immersed in the diplomatic, financial and geopolitical context that underlies global health decision-making. Students are able to navigate their way through course articles and videos and test their knowledge through voluntary assessments. DoIT’s team of consultants from Academic Technology Services, the Faculty Center and Video Production, all played a crucial role in the development of this new course, spending countless hours and numerous weeks perfecting the program to enhance the student learning experience.

After an inquiry six months ago by Dr. Peter Small, Founding Director of the Global Health Institute at Stony Brook University School of Medicine,…


Emerging Tech for a Changing Edu

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