Need to Move a Course from Blackboard to Brightspace?

If your course was not one of the courses that was automagically moved from Blackboard to Brightspace, you may be wondering how to move it yourself.

The first thing you should look for is whether ANY version of the course you want to export has already been brought to Brightspace.  You may have more than one.  For example you might have a Fall 2021 copy and an empty shell for Fall 2022.  If what you want is in the Fall 2021 copy, you don’t need to export anything from Blackboard – it is already there.

If absolutely no version of the course you want to bring over exists in Brightspace (perhaps something you haven’t taught in a while AND you aren’t teaching it in the fall either), pause following these directions to make a ticket for a “Bb course copy shell in Brightspace” where you will include the Course Designator & Number (example: BIO 203). After you have some place to put your export, continue with these steps. If you only have the 2022 shell in Brightspace and you don’t want to move your old course directly into 2022 (very wise move!), also complete that same ticket.

The second thing that I want you to know is that Brightspace cannot import courses that are greater in size than 2 gigs.  You may not know what the size of your Blackboard course is until you export it, so perhaps don’t worry about this right away, but if after exporting the course it turns out to be too big, just remember what I started with here.  If it is too big, this will probably be due to large presentations or documents that you loaded directly into your blackboard course.  You will need to remove these items and host them elsewhere.

For example:

  • Videos can be moved to echo360 or youtube
  • Documents can be moved to google drive
  • etextbooks can be moved to google drive or check to see if they are available via the library

Exporting a course doesn’t work exactly like it used to work in Blackboard, so if you have done it in the past, read this anyway.

NOTE: For a far less verbose version of this post, please see this link.

Go to your course that you want to bring into Brightspace.  Go to Packages and Utilities under Course Management in the left menu.  Under Packages and Utilities, select Export/Archive Course.

Select Export Package.

Under Select Course Materials, “select all”. 

THEN UNSELECT SETTINGS — this is the new part that changed

Click Submit and wait.

Success: This action has been queued. An email will be sent when the process is complete.

When the export is finished it will show up on this page if you hit refresh.

You might, like me, think “download” would be in this pull down menu:

It isn’t though.  Just click on the name of your export to download it to your computer.

Now go to Brightspace.

Enter the course you want to import the content into.

TIP:  You can use your Fall 2021 course to bring in other semesters content too.  That way you have one place for all versions of a particular course you have taught.  Like a box of all things BIO 203 – regardless of what semester it came from. 

Go to Course Admin

Find the Catagory “Site Resources”

Click on Import/Export/Copy Components

Select Import Components (at the bottom of the page) and click start.

Click upload and select the zip export file you downloaded from Blackboard.  If this is a big file, it will take a little time to upload and you won’t be able to select Import All Components until it has finished. If your export file was bigger than 2 gigs, see the “second thing” to know at the top of this blog post.


Assuming for a moment that you imported the content into a location that is not the “live” course you will be teaching from, go to the course that you will be teaching from and go back to the Course Admin -> Site Resources -> Import/Export/Copy Components area again, and this time select “Copy Components from another Org Unit”.

You will be able to search for the location you copied the course to, and select just the items you want to bring to the “live” course shell.  This way you aren’t pulling years worth of unneeded items into the live course, just the pieces that you know you want.

TIP: Keep your non-live course storage organized by semester and year if you have the desire to bring many semesters worth of the same course over. Try to help your future self find what you would be looking for.

Don’t forget to do some housekeeping on any content you bring over to the “live” course.  Check for correct dates, availability, exceptions, links, formatting, accessibility, etc.


A Great Free Training Opportunity – The OTTER Institute

The SUNY Center for Professional Development (CPD) is hosting the OTTER (Online Teaching: Technology & Educational Resources) Institute July 25-28, 2022. The OTTER Institute is an opportunity for online practitioners to learn more about the innovations, trends, and challenges with online education. This year we are responding to the DLE Implementation and focusing all our programming on the new Brightspace Learning Environment. See examples of best practices for course design and delivery within Brightspace. Learn about the tools and features within Brightspace that will help you create and deliver effective and engaging digital course content.
The OTTER Institute is free to all SUNY campus members. The webinars will be recorded and the recordings will be available on the DLE website (this requires SUNY Federated ID/campus login credentials).
Topics to be covered in this Brightspace Edition of OTTER include:
  • Design Considerations
  • Brightspace Document Templates
  • Getting Started Module
  • FAQs & Glossary
  • Rubrics
  • Groups
  • Discussions
  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Pulse App
  • IM & Email
  • Attendance & Checklists
  • Awards/Certificates
Registration is open and more details can be found on the event website:
The SUNY Online Team

importing questions to a question library in brightspace

The question library is where you keep the myriad questions that you will use when creating assessments.

They can be moved from one course to another using the course import/export tool under course admin.

“Are you looking for a way to add a bank of questions to the Quiz Question Library? Look no further than this handy Quiz Question Converter- now available through the Brightspace Community on the Learning Center!”



Reusing Echo360 content

There are two different ways of sharing echo360 content in Blackboard, and therefore two different ways to reuse the content as well.

Most instructors at SBU currently link to their echo360 videos via LTI links.  This has been the only way in the past to get the analytics that you needed, give the students the active learning tools and also automatically post new scheduled recordings as they happen throughout the semester.  Using the LTI link is the process where you are going to a content area where you want the videos to be placed, selecting “Build Content -> Echo Cloud”.

When reusing the LTI link in a course you have copied from a previous semester, you will want to go to where the link was made (it will still be there), click on that link and reconnect it.


The second way and previously feature sparse method (but this has been rapidly changing!), is to embed the echo360 content into any area of your site that gives you the ability to use the Bb text editor.  You can embed content using the wysiwyg editor using the button : “Add Content -> Echo360 Video Library”. It looks like a plus sign in a circle and is the last button on the bottom right.

When you have embedded content and you run a course copy, the video will still work without further tweaking.  It is for this reason, and because echo360 has been working hard to bring all the features to the embed model that already exist in the LTI links, that we will be suggesting using embed going forward (at least, as soon as playlists are up and running and that could even happen this week).




Organize and Share content changes upcoming in echo360

We are writing to inform you of upcoming changes to how you can organize and share content in Echo360. These changes will improve the ability to share content with others, organize shared and personal content, and find content in your Library.


Echo360 Community,

We are writing to inform you of upcoming changes to how you can organize and share content in Echo360. These changes will improve the ability to share content with others, organize shared and personal content, and find content in your Library.

What is changing?

The upcoming changes involve three key components, which are explained below:

  • The Groups feature will be renamed Collections
  • Collections will be added to the Library
  • The existing class collection feature on the section homepage will be renamed to “Class Group” to avoid confusion

All current Groups capabilities will be available in Collections and new capabilities will be rolled out in future releases, making Collections a more powerful way of sharing and organizing content than is currently available.

In the current user interface, Groups is a separate tab, accessed in the top navigation as shown below.


When Groups is renamed to Collections, users will see their Collections on the Library tab as well as on a separate Collections tab, as seen below.


Also, the feature that allows the instructor to create collections of classes inside an Echo360 Section will be renamed Class Groups as shown in the image below. This will reduce confusion with the new Collections feature, as shown in the image below.


Why is this feature changing?

By renaming Groups to Collections, it will be clearer that this feature offers a way to organize content as well as to share it with others. Collections can be used by individuals to organize content in their libraries without the need to share it. When a Collection is shared, the new structure will make it easier for users to find content that has been shared with them without the need to navigate to a separate tab.

We will be building out the capabilities and permissions for content shared in Collections going forward and this name will make more sense for the new capabilities that are planned.

How does this affect users?

This change doesn’t remove any existing capabilities and should make new capabilities easier to implement into content management workflows. Other than adapting to a new name, the primary impact of this change is that users will no longer need to navigate to a separate tab to find shared or organized content.

When will this change happen?

At this time, we anticipate this change to be implemented in our first deployment of 2022, on 11-12 January 2022.

What do you need to do?

This change will be pushed automatically and there will be on-screen orientation to explain the changes. To better prepare your users, you may want to provide them with advanced notification. Please feel free to share this email and/or the screen shots in your communications.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Echo360 representative.

All the best,
Echo360 Team


Getting Started with Echo360


These pages are here to provide Instructors a walk-through of the more commonly used features of Echo360. The pages contain click-through infographics, videos, links to our online documentation, and Quick Reference Card links, available for viewing and download as PDFs.

Start with the Overview. Learn about the typical uses of the platform, navigation in and around Echo360, and get insight from other instructors on creating media and engaging students.


Overview of echo360Creating and uploading mediaSharing and embedding video Overview of Echo360 analyticsEditing MediaIntegration with MS Teams and Zoom


 The menu image in the top-left corner of every page opens a Table of Contents for everything here. Easily browse for the pages you want to view or re-visit. Hover over each item in the list to see the full title of the page. Go ahead, click it now! The Search functionality is on the top-right corner of every page. The Main menu icon is in the footer of every page.

Free Video Editor -Davinci Resolve

As more instructors are working to create video content for their courses, I thought I would offer this up for use.

Available for Windows, Mac and Linix in both a free version and a Studio paid version.

This is already an industry standard, so go ahead and suggest it for student use as well.



And Now a Word from VoiceThread! ***Accessibility***

What is VT Universal?

It’s a version of VoiceThread that is fully accessible to screen readers. It is the first thing a screen reader will detect on VoiceThread’s website, and it can be set as your default if you rely on a screen reader. Click here for full documentation.

Accessibility Trajectory

At the start of 2021, we released the new and improved version of VT Universal. This reboot created a strong foundation for us to continue adding more and more features until Universal becomes the standard experience. In the end there will no longer be two separate views of VoiceThread. The unified interface will be fully accessible. Adding the ability to share was a major step in this direction.

More features added to VT Universal in 2021

We are passionate about making high-quality interactions accessible to all learners, and we’re very excited that we’re so close to the finish line for this long journey.

Attending the Virtual CIT today…

I wanted to take this as a note to myself… but feel free to check it out yourselves.

This was shared during the session “The Case for Social Justice Assessment of Student Learning ”

Now I’m looking forward to the keynote speaker, Jesse Stommel, as he will possibly be talking about the topic of ungrading – and it sounds incredible! 


Emerging Tech for a Changing Edu

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