Tag Archives: blogging

Doing a presentation in your blog? Look at these cool free widgets from Wolfram!



Tries from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project by Seth J. Chandler


You can find more here:  http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/
and here: http://www.wolframalpha.com/widgets/gallery/

VoiceThread Curious?

Stony Brook University has access to a large collection of lessons at Lynda.com. I was looking inside their offerings today, and found some information about VoiceThread. VoiceThread allows one to upload a presentation, and then gives group access to leave texts comments, whiteboard/markup annotations and also audible comments. VoiceThread is often mentioned as a great supplemental tool for online teaching and active learning – so I thought I would share a link to the video here:

Screen Shot 2014-04-17 at 10.49.20 AM

Student Discussions with VoiceThread


(if you aren’t a SBU member, you can follow this link: http://www.lynda.com/Business-Elearning-tutorials/Teacher-Tips/141465-2.html – otherwise, click on the picture above.)

This particular video is part of a series of teaching with technology videos that have been strung together under the series title: Teacher Tips with Aaron Quigley. You will find that the series includes other useful topic including:

  • Flipping Your Classroom
  • Using Evernote in the Classroom
  • Understanding the Common Core
  • iPad for Educators Basics
  • Using Prezi in the Classroom
  • Blogging in the Classroom

and many more.